What started as a group of friends emailing at least weekly has turned into this blog. I guess we're ready to share our modest humor with the world! DAILY UPDATES, *HILARIOUS REVIEWS*, AI GOSSIP!! Be sure to pay attention to who's posting what--we have several contributors, read the comments, and CHECK OUR LINKS ON THE LEFT to not miss posts! We generally all "meet here" after the shows especially. WELCOME!

Thursday, January 18, 2007


I guess it can get worse, right? Poor Seattle!

I liked that Thomas Daniel guy (yes, I took notes, but I missed his name and didn't want to rewind!) ...or maybe it's just the comparison after hearing so many awful things in a row...I wish they would have showed his previous 2 auditions! Has he improved a lot or is he just "comparatively good" now?

The reversible mom and daughter were really cute, even if she couldn't sing...

The beat boxing Blake seemed "boy-band" good, but I kept thinking of a pharmacist with his shirt, tie, and white jacket, especially when you could only see the top of him! I don't think that was the image he was going for...

I *LOVED* the Indian brother and sister! What a fun story - there have been tons of brother/brother or sister/sister combos, but I don't remember a brother/sister combo. They were really cute and I'm rooting for them! I hope they can "bring it" later... YAY that they both made it through!! :) :)

What's up with the door problems this year? At first I thought it was just Mini, but no...See-ya started in as well! If that kept happening over and over, wouldn't you put up an "EXIT" sign or something on the correct door? Or are they just looking for one more thing to make fun of people about?

That poor Zitzman kid, I was about to cry everytime he flinched as the critiqued him (pow!), and critiqued him (pow!), and critiqued him (pow!), and critiqued him (pow!)...you get the picture. I think just saying "no" is enough sometimes!

I liked Rudy...phew...another one through from Seattle!

I was laughing so hard I was crying with the 2 "new friends" (Bush Baby and Hawaii 5-0...why did Simon have to make the "Bush Baby" comment? They're there to judge the singing, not say rude things about features that can't be changed! And what is it about this show and bringing "different" boys together? They get them every season...). They were so sincere, it was sweet!

The Taylor wanna-be? Give me a break! And WHAT WAS HE THINKING with that hair gel? Simon's right, people just can't keep their hands off him, so he better watch out!

So only 14 made it through...and we saw just a few of them. I always wonder about those who made it through that we *didn't* see...are there any potential winners there? But alas, the ratings must do better with all the "NO WAYS!!!", so that's what we get. I guess Minneapolis was better than we thought!!!

Phew, it's over till next week! :)


  1. They probably put odd contestants in line together on purpose, thinking they will likely bond as "outcasts." Then, if two people aren't getting together, they offer some promise of appearing on the finale if 2 people consent to being openly ridiculed, at which time Simon is given time to script his criticisms and insults, taking care to propmt us to pity with his sarcastic "wit" so we will laugh and cheer wildly when they appear again at the end.

    Or, it could be coincidence.
