What started as a group of friends emailing at least weekly has turned into this blog. I guess we're ready to share our modest humor with the world! DAILY UPDATES, *HILARIOUS REVIEWS*, AI GOSSIP!! Be sure to pay attention to who's posting what--we have several contributors, read the comments, and CHECK OUR LINKS ON THE LEFT to not miss posts! We generally all "meet here" after the shows especially. WELCOME!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

So many thumbs

It seems The Boy and The Girl are getting a bit more discriminating, but the thumbs were flying all over the place again this week. We're actually watching it after the elimination so they can see the performances and say good-bye all in one day.

Syesha Mercado: two thumbs up (with a bonus from tThe Boy: "I just like the way she sings it")
Chizezie: two thumbs up (another bonus thumb from The Boy)
Ramiele Malubay: one thumb up, one thumb down
Jason Castro: two thumbs up
Carly Smithson: two thumbs up (bonus from The Boy: "I love her")
David Cook: two thumbs up (the expected bonus from The Boy for all the rock and roll)
Brooke White: two thumbs up + two more
David Hernandez: one thumb up, one thumb down
Amanda Overmyer: one thumb up, one thumb down (bonus from The Boy as usual, and the customary eye roll from The Girl)
Michael Johns: one thumb up, one thumb down (7-year-old girls apparently don't dig him like they dig David A.)
Kristy Lee Cook: two thumbs up (one bonus from The Boy, and an "oooh" during the recap)
David Archuleta: two thumbs up (plus the bonus from The Girl)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Top 12 Minus 1 - Katharine McPhee Performs!

Seems they're having the bottom 3 sing off before they're eliminated - much better!

Syesha is in the bottom 3 - no surprise. Her performance is pitchy and unimproved since last night.

Amanda is not even in the bottom 3! I knew the audience reaction was indicative that she probably wouldn't be going.

Kristy is in the bottom 3. I didn't pick her either to stay or to go, so I'm not attached, but, though the arrangement was a failure, I didn't think her skillz sucked enough to take her out.


The live questions portion was interesting. Sort of...


Katharine McPhee! My girl! She still gives me chills! - even if she did flub the lyrics at one point...LOL! At least she did it very professionally... ; ) And what a great ending!

David A. is safe, thank goodness.

Brooke is safe. No surprise.

Ramiele and David H. are the final picks... David H. makes the bottom 3. Good. I'd rather watch Ramiele another week than him.

Syesha is safe, leaving Kristy and David H.

David H. hits the road. That suits me, though he might have saved me from hearing Amanda for another time.

See ya.

Top 12 -- Keeping it Short

I like Ryan but he was hyper and I was uncomfortable--he can't get away with words like "baby" and "dude" and "bring it" without making me shift nervously in my chair and without making my nausea flare up. He seems SO gay (in the 80s sense of that word, NOT in the 21st century bigotry sense of the word).

The new set is nice but again I was disturbed and distracted by Ryan's introduction of it.

Here we go:

Syesha - SNORE! Why is she here? I've had enough. 3 weeks ago. And something about her reminds me time and time again of "The Cosby Show" though I can't put my finger on it--is it the hair? Is it the off-the-shoulder shirt with tank top underneath? I don't know.

Chikeze - I loved it! I feel like I'm watching Turk (SCRUBS) sing in his apartment. He's great, he's fun. I dig it.

Ramielemulabay - Her name is fun to say as all one word. But I'm bored to tears and I've tired of her personal tribute songs. She's becoming forgettable. Oh, and camera angles from the top down? Not good on someone who is 4 foot 6.

Jason - I love this guy. He's so James Blunt. I like his folksy, not-perfect sincerity and purity. Love him. He is unique so I look forward to and enjoy every performance. He's sort of my Elliot for this season, but yet not even close, if that makes any sense.

Carly (of "What's that Irish Girl's Name" fame) - I like her. She's likable. She's cute. She did a smashing job!

David Cook - I LOVE THIS GUY!! I've liked him for a long time and I personally dig that he's a smart and wordy nerd kind of rocker. The best kind if you ask me. He's fantastic and unique and I love love love what he does with his songs (a la Blake). Again, I always look forward to and enjoy every performance. He is this year's Daughtry and Simon sees dollar signs for sure. I really like this guy.

Brooke - Love her. She's great, folksy, fun, sweet, and good to boot! I like her style. Again, I say, she's unique and so I look forward to and enjoy every performance. Sensing a pattern?

David Hernandez - Yuck. I miss Danny. And now, after weeks of wondering WHO DOES HE REMIND ME OF?!?!, I've figured out that he's Eddie and so now I'm further disturbed. As if the stripping wasn't enough. I'm bored by him now.

Amanda - I tired of her week 1. She always sounds the same no matter what she does. I don't understand her either so it's not a British thing. She's this year's Bucky and a sucky bucky at that. Glad to see her smile, look pretty, and embrace where she is for a change, but I'm bored now.

Michael Johns - Hubba hubba and all of that. He's good. "I'm not jum'pin' out o' my chai'r" but it was very good. Sure, not a wow moment, but I enjoy him. I don't think he's terribly unique but he's certainly not bad either!

Kristy Lee Cook - Yikes. Now, that was uncomfortable. Horrible! And no one said how cute she looked to at least lessen the pain of the harsh judgment? You just don't do that to a Beatles' song, sorry. Yikes yikes yikes. No, no. No.

David Archuleta - Eek! He messed up the lyrics! Several times! Part of me wonders if he's been reading the press and blogs that say he's gotta mess up once or twice so we don't get complacent about how great he is. I still say the kid's making it to the tops, but this was a rough week.

They can all go home and it's fine with me: Syesha, Amanda, Kristy, and David Hernandez
Unique and I like them time and time again: Jason, Brooke, and David Cook
Unique or not, I like them: David A, Michael Johns, and Carly
Let's see, who have I forgotten?: Ramiele and Chikeze

TOPS for me tonight: David Cook, Brooke, Chikeze, and Jason
Going Home: Probably Syesha (PLEASE!) but could be any of the other ones I've listed.
Safe due to weeks of greatness: Michael Johns, David A, and that Irish girl

Beatlemania and a little regular mania

Finally! The Top 12 are here, and I feel the pain of the 6 guys, 6 girls format, although if we could just get rid of the first 3 or 4 now and give the rest some exhibition weeks I'd be more than happy. The Lennon-McCartney songbook, predictably, came off wonderfully for some contestants and destroyed some others. Not everyone can do The Beatles. OK, on to last year's format. . . .

RANDOM THOUGHTS: That's an impressive set, complete with mosh pit and the backdrop with a secret entrance. What the hell was going on with Ryan last night?! It was like he was drunk or on some drug or something. Last night was the first time I've actually considered this thought: Bring back Dunkelman. It was a oh so very brief moment. It occurred to me that Ryan, as much as I enjoy him as host, is a complete attention seeker, so the new set, the hype, the fancy lights, Band-in-the-Stand, Brooke's shoes, etc., just had him drooling. Simon's right: Paula is disrepectful to him while telling him to be respectful. The banter is interesting but sometimes they just gotta let him speak. Interesting that they put Chikezie and Amanda in the Brand-name Cola Chair for interviews. Of all the contestants they could use the positive attention the most. OK, brief comments on the contestants.

Syesha Mercado: Snore. You're a working actress (Ouch to all of you "aspiring," a.k.a. "out-of-work" actors out there) and have done commercials on the beach. Blah blah. I was unimpressed.

Chikezie: I thought his southern jug band thing worked. Loved the interpretation. The pogo stick impression after the performance was a little much, but luckily The Great White Hope made him look "normal."

Ramiele Malubay: No more songs with personal meaning. We're not getting it. She's starting to slip quite a bit in my mind.

Jason Castro: Welcome back Mr. Six String. Solid performance from this one. Jason is definitely one of Simon's $$$ projects. He has a recordable voice and distinctive style, Simon's kind of package.

Carly Smithson: I don't know that this was exactly the "moment" Simon was looking for, but it was her best so far. The style suited her and she seemed to eat up being on The Big Stage 2.0.

David Cook: Wise decision to drop the guitar this week and prove he's The Man. Simon's praise is not misplaced, and he is a Daugtry-esque money machine if he can make it as far, which Simon is already trying to help along.

Brooke White: Her voice was off a touch at times this week but her complete love for the music and the experience is why she is so incredible on stage. The tears are real because she is the music. She is the lyrics. She comes off as the consummate performer. Brooke is definitely one of the few this year that really believes this is the greatest experience (not just career jump-start) of her life.

David Hernandez: No, no. No. Don't do that. No. The Small Stage--Circular Version. No. Danny would have been more interesting, that's for sure. It doesn't help that my wife has finally pegged who he looks like. "Hey, man, check it out. I got some great stuff to dehydrate here. I got some grapes, I got some apricots... I thought it would be really cool to see what happens with these water balloons. "

Amanda Overmyer: At least she seems like she wants to be on AI at this point. This is a vast improvement. Aside from being the "authentic Amanda," I didn't really like the performance. I don't find myself wondering what she'll do each week and will it work. She could provide some interesting entertainment on the tour, however so I can persevere for two more weeks.

Michael Johns: I largely agree with Simon on him. I liked the performance a lot. He definitely has a career in the music business, but he's not bringing a whole lot of "wow" to the table right now. He'll step it up soon once the dead weight is trimmed from the Top 12.

Kristy Lee Cook: I feel badly for this girl. She did what she thought the judges said to do. They are not always the clearest in their critiques.
"Dawg. You gotta, y'know, bring it. IT. Bring dat. YaknowwatImsayin'? Paula?"
"You're so beautiful. You need to exude this inner beauty and be the butterfly rising above the
cocoon. You know I love you."
"You'd be great doing country."

What is she supposed to get from this? She did country, but did it poorly. I think the arrangement had a strong back beat, and she was somewhere between on the beat and off. My instincts say she'll be back another week, but she needs to actually stop listening to the judges and just do what she wants.

David Archuleta: I was afraid of this. His youth hurt him on this one because he wasn't too aware of The Beatles and then picked a version by The Greatest Singer in the Known Universe(TGSitKU) (Randy's opinion, not mine). It came off like a Star Search performance and he came through as young, not "young and great." He'll be back. He'll stop singing Stevie Wonder, except for TGSitKU Week. He'll emerge again as a front runner.

MY TOP THREE: Brooke white, David Cook, Chikezie
MY BOTTOM THREE: David Hernandez, Kristy Lee Cook, Syesha Mercado
YOU SAY GOODBYE . . . AND SO DO I: David Hernandez

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Top 12 Perform Lennon - McCartney!

Syesha Mercado - Got To Get You Into My Life - Very pitchy start for an Idol contestant. She risks an updated arrangement, which may get her a few points, but not really great. Randy likes the arrangement and calls her on early pitch problems. Surprisingly, Simon thinks it was better than last week. For me, it was two pitchy performances in a row - enough for me to drop her.

Chikezie - She's A Woman - With a hillbilly interpretation - I like it! Then he turns on the grunge and takes it home. He be havin' fun! Very exciting! I surely liked it! Randy's like, who knew? Paula loved it. Simon is surprised that he agrees with Randy and Paula.

Ramiele Malubay - In My Life - I love this song. She suggests that it's about all the people that pass through our lives and then adds that that includes people voted off the show. I'm telling you, she had/has a crush on Danny Noriega! She starts it very well, though she's a bit tentative further on when she could be building it, then depends entirely on the final note to bring it home. Randy agrees that it "just laid there." Paula starts by complimenting her looks, so you know she didn't love it, and felt the same as Randy. Simon agrees but finds it necessary to add insult to injury. Who knew?

Jason Castro - If I Fell - He plays guitar, the audience claps. He does some original runs to make it his own. His charisma may save him, but, for me, the vocals were mediocre. Randy didn't love the original runs in the falsetto range. Paula felt his charisma overrode that. Simon stuck with boring, maybe left over from his review of Ramiele. Ryan lands a good one on Simon and then pitches Jason's dreads to the listeners.

Carly Smithson - Come Together - a song she performs regularly. She does it pretty traditionally to start, and owns the song and the audience. She adds a little grunge and closes it well. Randy loved it too. Paula saw her as a star. Simon says this is (finally!) the right song choice for her. High praise all around.

David Cook - Eleanor Rigby - a tough song to do well, but he knows it and thinks he's up to it. His husky voice has a little trouble bringing power into the softer parts, but when he goes to high gear, he nails it! The final note is a triumph. The audience loves it. Randy calls him on the shaky start, but loved it when he took it over. Simon calls it brilliant.

Brooke White - Let It Be - Can she come up to David Archuleta's memorable version? - big risk, plus she plays piano which could take some needed attention away from her vocals. It's a pretty standard good performance, but no fireworks, for me, but I still love her heart, and maybe the audience feels the same way. All three judges do feel that way, and I'm mildly but happily surprised.

David Hernandez - I Saw Her Standing There - His voice seems to suffer when he runs through the audience. It's a competent performance, but doesn't really grab me. Both Randy and Paula think he overdid it for this relatively simple song. Simon calls it corny and desperate.

Amanda Overmyer - You Can't Do That - a song she only just learned. She tries her own spin, but it just sounds like yelling. Her performance lacks any of the melodious nature of the original.
She gets a lot of applause from the audience, but I thought it sucked. Surprisingly, the judges gave her props for filling her unique slot, though Simon did call it a bit "shouty."

Michael Johns - Across The Universe - A solid performance, though nothing unsual. Both Randy and Simon agree that it needed something else. Paula thought it was brilliant.

Kristy Lee Cook - Eight Days A Week - country style. A risk, but she does does well by it. Again, nothing spectacular until the final note, but a decent peformance. None of the judges liked it very much, but Simon pounds nails into her coffin. A failed risk, perhaps, but not as technically poor as some others tonight.

David Archuleta - We Can Work It Out - He says he's nervous about it. Wow! He forgets lyrics at a couple of points. He seems to be more focused on his original riffs, which, of themselves, are fine, but he ended up thinking instead of fully feeling it. Randy agrees. Paula agrees. They're willing to let it slide based on his past. Simon is less forgiving.

Tops and Props: David C., Carly, Chikezie, Michael

Bottoms: Amanda, Syesha, David H., David A., Jason, Ramiele,

Leaving: It should be Amanda, but audience and judges' reactions indicate differently. If the judges hold sway, it could well be David H., though Syesha seems more deserving, to me.