What started as a group of friends emailing at least weekly has turned into this blog. I guess we're ready to share our modest humor with the world! DAILY UPDATES, *HILARIOUS REVIEWS*, AI GOSSIP!! Be sure to pay attention to who's posting what--we have several contributors, read the comments, and CHECK OUR LINKS ON THE LEFT to not miss posts! We generally all "meet here" after the shows especially. WELCOME!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

oh, Seattle, Seattle....

I admit, I didn't even watch the beginning. I can only take so many awful auditions in one night. Paula was more alive tonight. Randy wasn't quite as big of a jerk as last night, and Simon was his usual self that we love to hate.

I must say, the bad were REALLY bad this time. And Simon was REALLY rude too. I keep reminding myself this IS a reality show.
We finally convinced my sister, Missy and our friend Jen to watch AI this season. Poor Jen and Missy are traumatized. Jen called me in the middle of the Seattle show... right after (and forgive me for saying it this way, but I don't know their names) monkey boy and his friend were BEAT UP by Simon... asking WHAT IS GOING ON? THIS IS PAINFUL !!

You've gotta understand, Jen's an elementary school principal... first thing out of her mouth? I'm surprised the Americans with Disabilities people aren't up in arms over this show !!! ROTFL. She was sitting there trying to figure out the IQ of the contestants (they can't be over 80) and getting indignant over Simon ridiculing them !! "They are OBVIOUSLY special needs".. And the Utah "Unchained Melody" dude? She suspects he has Aspergers. Oh, she was too funny... I told her to skip a few audition weeks (yes, they can be somewhat painful) and stay tuned for the Hollywood round. That's when things get REALLY interesting.

So, who did I like in Seattle? Not many people at all.... the brother and sister are CUTE. I liked them both. He has a very surprising voice... didn't expect that to come out of the shy little boy (he's only 17 !!) And Jordan what's her name... sang Celine? Final 12, I predict.

Sigh, well, first week of auditions is over. What a roller coaster ride! Mostly valleys, but a few mountains too.


  1. You know, I looked at Stacy while Ryan was interviewing the UT guy, and said, "I think he's on the Autism spectrum." ROTFL (Not at his misfortune, at saying the same thing.)

    I said it before, and I'll say it again, a psychiatric study regarding A.I. "rejects" could be extremely interesting, in a sad sort of way.

  2. So true! See my post about 'brain chemistry'.

  3. I did see it John. Interesting how all of our "brain chemistry" seems to mesh so well. A bit scary if you ask me.

  4. ROTFL! I *love* the Jen comments. That is HILARIOUS!!
