What started as a group of friends emailing at least weekly has turned into this blog. I guess we're ready to share our modest humor with the world! DAILY UPDATES, *HILARIOUS REVIEWS*, AI GOSSIP!! Be sure to pay attention to who's posting what--we have several contributors, read the comments, and CHECK OUR LINKS ON THE LEFT to not miss posts! We generally all "meet here" after the shows especially. WELCOME!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Top 12 Revealed!

Good to hear from Blake Lewis!

David Cook is safe - no surprise.

David Archuleta is safe - no surprise.

Jason Castro is safe - no surprise.

Brooke White is safe - no surprise.

Syesha Mercado is safe - I'm a little surprised, unless Amanda takes her spot on the flight out.

Kady Malloy gets the boot - no surprise. Her parting performance truly sucks, but that may just be emotions (though tearless).

David Hernandez is safe - no surprise.

Michael Johns is safe - no surprise.

Luke Menard gets the boot - no surprise. But if he buys a puffy-sleeved shirt, he'll have a career for sure.

Ramiele Malubar is safe - no surprise to me.

Carly Smithson is safe - no surprise.

Amanda Overmyer is safe - I'm surprised.

Kristy Lee Cook and Asia Epperson (acknowledging Bo's rant) are left. I think Kristy may get the boot over Asia, but we shall see. Their last performances were pretty even. Asia gets the boot! That's the first one that's bothered me, but only a little. I'd rather hear another week of her than of Amanda.

Danny Noriega and Chikezie are left. Danny gets the boot - not a surprise for me.

So three out of four predictions ain't bad... ; )

See you next week!

More thumbs . . .

As is expected, the boy and girl were incredibly complimentary and positive. Here are their somewhat predictable ratings.

Asia'h Epperson: two thumbs up (bonus from the boy--must be the truck driver's gear change at the end)
Kady Malloy: one thumb up, one thumb down
Amanda Overmyer: one thumb down, one thumb up (bonus from the rock-and-roll boy)
Carly Smithson: two thumbs up (one extra from the boy since she's a bit rock-and-roll)
Kristy Lee Cook: one thumb up, one thumb down (the girl is feeling the "positivity")
Ramiele Malubay: two thumbs up (bonus thumb from the boy since "she's awesome")
Brooke White: two thumbs up + 2 more (big smiles from both throughout, and "she's awesome" too)
Syesha Mercado: two thumbs up

According to the thumbs, Kristy Lee Cook and Kady Malloy will bid us farewell tonight.

The girls pick songs as well as David Hernandez . . .

. . . Picks his nose, and listening to his embarassing moment the other night you know how well that is. Honestly, how can one group of people pick so many bad songs. I feel like I've heard the phrase "song choice" way too many times. And everyone seems to have some very personal or touching reason for picking the songs. Great reasoning for a video tribute. Poor reasoning for a singing competition. I sing the typical Daddy repertoire pretty well (ABCs, Rubber Duckie, etc.). I could not sing anything by The Dave Matthews Band even though I like it.

Again, people wasted the 1980s. This was a decade with a lot of great music across a lot of genres. With a few exceptions I felt like I was listening to a who's who of American musical crap. There I go again. Song choice. Rant off.

Randy gave more love to the Other Dawg Pound this week than he's given to his usual Dawg Pound, and even Paula's talking like Randy. If I were the AI doctor I'd do an overhaul on Paula's medications. And check the Coke cup. What was with the judges this week? They messed around so much that they didn't say anything to Syesha, who deserved more of an assault than she got. Whitney? Are you kidding me? Why the woolly scarves and short sleeves on the guys. I don't know if I can get on board with that style. Danny Noriega looked like someone's Abuela with those glasses on. Can I boot 3 girls and keep an extra guy this week? (Sorry Luke, you're gone either way.)

OK, rant on again. Why do people insist on picking songs (and not even the best ones) by such artists as Whitney Houston? Don't they know that only one of two things is likely to happen. Number 1, it is an adequate replica of the original, which means nothing. Number 2, there is no way to even come close to the original (this is more common, by the way) and thus it is a catastrophic failure and waste of a minute and a half. Sure, other things can happen: they can do an original arrangement, which ends up falling into category 2 more often than not. They can actually "slay" the song, but I've seen that maybe one time in 7 seasons. It just doesn't happen. That's why those divas have a lot of hits and millions of dollars and why these contestants had to go through the cattle call auditions and subject themselves to public scrutiny and ridicule. Phew! Rant off, I think.

We'll have another matching test for the girls this week. There will be two versions so stay sharp!

1. Asia'h Epperson
2. Kady Malloy
3. Amanda Overmyer
4. Carly Smithson
5. Kristy Lee Cook
6. Ramiele Malubay
7. Brooke White
8. Syesha Mercado

a. Missed the memo on singing anything Scott Savol did, among many, many, many other idols.
b. Did her best with it, but just doesn't have "it."
c. Along with David Cook, performed the most original arrangement this week, and was (shockingly) one of the most entertaining.
d. Missed the memo on singing anything done by anyone who can be identified by one name only.
e. Missed the memo on singing anything done by anyone who can be identified by one name only.
f. Gave her best performance so far, but is so uninteresting I don't know if I can stand it any longer (it doesn't appear that she can either).
g. Picked a very strange song to "countrify," but was obviously looking for a few dawg treats.
h. Still proves she is the one to beat, even if she hasn't found "her song."

Key: 1-d or 1-e, 2-b, 3-f, 4-h, 5-g, 6-a, 7-c, 8-e or 8-d

Top 8 Girls for Dummies

1. Asia'h Epperson
2. Kady Malloy
3. Amanda Overmyer
4. Carly Smithson
5. Kristy Lee Cook
6. Ramiele Malubay
7. Brooke White
8. Syesha Mercado

a. Tops for the night with an original performance.
b. Actually could give the guys a real contest.
c. Blah, blah, blah. Ordinary. Adequate. Poor song choice. Blah. Blah. Blah.

Key: 1-c, 2-c, 3-c, 4-b, 5-c, 6-c, 7-a, 8-c

MY TOP THREE: Brooke White, Carly Smithson, ???
EARLY EXIT ALERT: Amanda Overmyer

* * * * * * * * * *


Here's another look at my early Top 12 picks based on basically nothing. People already gone in bold. Predicted to go are underlined. No italics yet.

David Archuleta
David Cook
Michael Johns
Robbie Carrico
Danny Norriega

Asia'h Epperson
Brooke White
Carly Smithson
Kristy Lee Cook
Ramiele Malubay
Joanne Borgella

* * * * * * * * * *

I'm on pins and needles here! I wonder what the group will sing tonight, and whether or not Amanda will look like she just had a root canal.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Moth Balls and Melon?

Sigh. To be blunt--the girls, collectively, suck compared to the guys. However, there are a couple of bright shining stars in this group of x-chromosomes. The entire group, collectively, is full of unique talent, too, so let's hope *that* is who makes it into the oh-so-coveted Top 12!

Asia'h - Her name is pronounced like the continent. Why is there an apostrophe and an "h" in her name? I'm with "The Troll" who posted on our blog today--"I feel if . . . mothers are going to throw together meaningless random combinations of vowels and consonants and call it a "name", I have no obligation to validate that inane decision." (edited for PCness) :) So, seriously, are the contestants deaf, stupid, or simply not listening? The judges say "Don't sing Whitney" and "Don't sing Celine" yet these divas consistently charge ahead. And for me, it's not just that they're stupid, it's that they're BORING. There are so many boring, boring diva songs. And I tire of them. "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" has got to be one of the most boring songs on the planet. So, this didn't do it for me. And I like Asia'h, so that's not good.

Kady - A Stepford Wife! Brilliant! Perfect description. I'm tired of her. I was tired of her 2 weeks ago and then again a week ago. As they say on Friends, "I'm bored with you now. Goodbye."

Amanda - Omigosh. Omigosh!! I'm so mind-numbingly bored with her voice and what happens? She does a good job. And the judges praise her to the hilt. Even during the credits. So, we have to sit through more. If you ask me, she was hoping to get booted 2 weeks ago. I was hoping she'd be done this week, but now I doubt it. I predict everyone tires of her rapidly when she's in the Top 12.

Carly - I like her. I like the way she says "Hoosband." And I think she's cute. And she can sing. And she's unique. And I feel like I'm watching World Idol when I watch her and Michael Johns, so it's fun. She'll sail through to the finals, methinks.

Kristy - They tell her to do country so she "countrifies" Journey?? I thought Randy would hate it, but maybe he was just excited to name drop. Again. Seriously, was he the only sober judge tonight? It was interesting and okay, but I don't think it was great. I'm a bit bored with her, too. Can we cut 4 girls and send more guys through?

Ramiele Malubay - Heh. Her name is fun to say. It sounds like all one word or like I'm fluent in Tagalog. "RamieleMalubay." Tee hee. Boring, boring song. And she's better than that. My gosh she's tiny! And way to prod, Seacrest. I love her answer. "ST-uff!" You go, girl.

Brooke White - I loved it! Best of the night, IMHO. She did a wonderful job. She's refreshingly original and fun and unique and she has a personality and good voice to boot. I love her. I love it. I want to see much more of her. Best of the night, no question (despite the judges' mad stupid praise of the nurse).

Syesha - (Reference The Troll). She's a diva and I've tired of her. I spent the entire time confused about her outfit--are those shorts? Is it a skirt? And is it made of a Hefty bag? I don't know why they raked Asia'h over the coals for singing Whitney and then gave her a "Good. Good. Predictable, but Good." Idiots. They were running out of time because we spent precious air time talking about mutts and moths and melon balls. Seriously, I do love Paula, but I think her meds are ridiculously off this week. Tonight at one point it was actually painful to watch and I had a visceral reaction to the extreme awkwardness. Why don't they stop her from talking? It was horrible. There simply isn't enough "positivity" to counteract the pain and discomfort.

Best of the night for me for her: Brooke White
Going Home: Kristy and Kady? Asia'h and Kady? I go with the first 2.

Top 8 Girls! - 80s Theme

Asia'h Epperson - Big song, but she handles it well. The judges agree but Simon is obligated to bring everyone down to earth. Again.

Kady Malloy - The song is unfamiliar to me, so I have no point of reference. She sings it pretty straightforwardly, and seems to do a fair job, though still weak in the softer notes. Randy agrees, Paula likes the softer spots. Simon calls her straightforward delivery "Stepford wifish and unemotional."

Amanda Overmyer - Another unfamiliar song in the rock genre - good for her vocal style, but confirming her narrow range of skill, for me, though she does it very well. Randy and Paula like it. Simon loves it. Apparently I'm of the belief that an American Idol should have a broader skillset. I'll try to let that go.

Carly Smithson - Another unfamiliar song. I'm very impressed with how professional her stage skills are, not to mention the power of her voice in every place she puts it. Brilliant! Randy calls it "picking off targets." Simon points out that it wasn't "the" song for her, and I agree, but it was very well done.

Kristy Lee Cook - Great song choice. It feels good right from the start. Not perfect, but well done. Both Randy and Paula (when Simon lets her surface from a strange hug) agree that it could be a country hit. Simon is less optimistic, but didn't not like it.

Ramiele Malubay - Huge song, but worth the risk. She's a bit too loose with the phrasing through the first half, but she brings it to a great climax and close. Randy chalks it up to lack of confidence and overthinking it. Paula eventually gets around to swishing her into the top 12. Simon is not impressed. Danny is wearing her glasses? She's in L O O O O V E! Perhaps that's the "stuff" she was thinking about during the song that's TMTH. They would make a too cute couple!

Brooke White - A sitting start for this big song. Will it be a moment? The beginning is skillful enough, but she never stands up and never changes gears, and was a little pitchy toward the end. The judges like it all for different reasons. I think adding the band later to build it up, per Paula, would have made it better, but Simon liked it mainly because she stuck with only the acoustic guitar. Due to my crush on her, I'm inclined to overlook the pitchiness.


I thought the girls would bring it tonight and offer some real competition to the boys last night, but it hasn't quite happened.


Syesha Mercado - Her voice is way off tonight, at least in the softer opening. She handles the louder parts okay, but this was not at all her night for me. Judges are mysteriously brief, perhaps due to time constraints, but they all give her top 12.

Tops and Props: Carly, Brooke, Ramiele, Kristy, Asia'h, and, okay, Amanda, roughly in order.

Bottoms: Well, that only leaves Kady and Syesha (and Amanda. Ha!)

Interesting site

I was looking for proof that David Cook did not borrow a cover version of Lionel Richie's "Hello" (inspired by Magistra's reference to Daughtry and his "accidentally" unreferenced Chile Peppers cover of "I Walk the Line") and came across this site. Looks as though none of the covers listed here would quite resemble David's. Dean, the winner of Begium's Idool 2007 even covered it recently, in case you were wondering.

How many thumbs do they have?!

Today is the quickly becoming traditional AI Rebroadcast in our home. Oh, to be young and so positive!

Luke Menard: two thumbs up (plus one from the boy)
David Archuleta: one thumb up, one thumb sideways (bonus from the girl--see, 7-year-old girl demographic. His vocal "prowness" helps, too)
Danny Noriega: two thumbs up (bonus from the boy)
David Hernandez: one thumb up, one thumb sideways
Michael Johns: two thumbs up (plus one from the boy, likely for manly sport references)
David Cook: two thumbs up + two more (guitars, rock--it's got all the makings for greatness)
Jason Castro: two thumbs up (plus an extra one because he recognized this song from Shrek, one of his all-time favorite movie soundtracks)
Chikeze: two thumbs up (that's all)

Anyway, there it is. Enjoy.


Sure, you didn't notice the highlights, Ryan. Mmmmm-hmmmm. Here's a very quick run down:

Luke - Yuck, not powerful enough, Buh-bye.
David Archuletta - Loved it, he's so good at playing with the melody in a professional way.
Danny N. - I really like this kid. You either love him or hate him, I guess. I think he's refreshing.
David H. - Seemed nervous (probably because his skeletons hit the news) but it was okay, a bit off.
Michael J. - Great song for him! He'll sail into the Top 12.
David C. -LOVED it. Best of the night. WOW! True rocker, so so good. Loved the arrangement. And I love that he's a word nerd.
Jason - Loved this, too. I love that song and I love his gentle and vulnerable voice. I like him a lot.
Chikeze - Not great, but not awful.

Tops: David C., David A., and Jason C.
Leaving: Luke Menard and either David H (despite what Simon says) or Chikeze

I'm excited for the TOP 12 and ONE elimination per week!! I think girls will drop like flies compared to the boys for a while. The boys have SUCH unique voices--let's hope those are the ones moving forward. Very exciting. Even Paula is a little drunk with excitement (I really do like her).

At this rate, we'll run out of decades

We are almost there! Paula was absolutely giddy about the fact that the Top 12 is around the corner. Either that, or she was overmedicated. Simon is as cranky as ever, but he still managed to get his last-minute plugs in for his Top 6. Other thoughts . . . I'm so shocked we did 80s week. I'm also so shocked that with so many great songs, Wham! made an appearance. Doesn't Luke know by now that lyrics are the key to elimination? It's interesting how David Archuleta comes off as older than he is, but has maturity appropriate for someone older than he is. He isn't picking songs to seem adult--he actually has depth to appreciate the meanings in these songs. And Simon just doesn't seem to have depth enough to truly get that. So Lionel Richie likes Whole Foods. Maybe they got an ad campaign idea from tonight.

Simon: Lionel, that cereal is dreadful. Simply dreadful.
Lionel: I was just trying to have some fun with breakfast. You know, show my taste out here.
Simon: I'd be surprised to see you here next week after a purchase like that. You might as well be eating Malt-o-Meal from a bag, drunk, at a wedding.

They can fix the script later. Oh, and does anyone else think the guys are stronger this year? Unless a few people wow me tonight, I do. On to the performances.

This week you need to match the contestants to their reviews. Good luck!

1. Luke Menard
2. David Archuleta
3. Danny Noriega
4. David Hernandez
5. Michael Johns
6. David Cook
7. Jason Castro
8. Chikezie

a. Showed how in a pinch he can balance out the guy-girl ratio on future Ford commercials.
b. Will provide the awesome track for that aforementioned Whole Foods commercial with Lionel Richie (best of the night for me).
c. Showed his James Blunt/current alternative vibe tonight--in a good way.
d. Proved once again that if you've got it, you've got it!
e. As my wife said, even his embarrassing moment came off as more manly than the others. Although he was in a kangaroo costume . . .
f. Seemed quite uncomfortable to be singing and dancing fully clothed. Maybe AI is orchestrating an understated goodbye to avoid controversy?
g. Just fits in better on the college a capella tour. Wham? "Wake me up before you go-go"? Honestly.
h. By now you should know who the last contestant is, plus how many others could be our yearly Donny Hathaway/Luther Vandross/Ruben Lite contestant?

Key: 1-g, 2-d, 3-a, 4-f, 5-e, 6-b, 7-c, 8-h

MY TOP THREE: David Cook, David Archuleta, Jason Castro
CORRECTING THE BALANCE IN THE UNIVERSE: Luke Menard, David Hernandez (one of the Daves has to go--Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss)

Bring on the 90s! Or something else. I don't mind.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Top 8 Guys! - 80s Theme

Luke Menard - Okay, but the performance was a bit weak, and certainly no improvement over last week. He has some charisma, but seems slated to leave sooner rather than later. Simon agrees.

David Archuleta - Plays piano, which I think weakens his opening a bit due to distraction from his focus on singing. Not his best performance, but good. Simon encourages more liveliness, which is a good point.

Danny Noriega - Pitchy and off-timing make this performance depend almost entirely on looks and charisma. Randy agrees, but is encouraging. Paula has a crush and encourages him. Simon is straight and brutal with him, and didn't like it at all, but he's right, in my view.

David Hernandez - Strong start and good skillz, but he loses some power in the softer phrasing. Good song choice. Overall, very well done, and it should move him along. Randy agrees. Paula agrees. Simon liked last week better, but agrees he's through to the finals.

Michael Johns - Puts his own twist on this song with some success. Randy and Paula give him props. Simon likes him, didn't love the song, and is waiting for him to find just the right song.

David Cook - Puts a rock slant on this popular Lionel Ritchie ballad. Owns the stage, again. Gives me some chills. Another winning performance. The judges all loved it.

Jason Castro - The song is unknown to me. Poor timing, at times. Flubs the tender ending. Not so much, for me, but he has appeal and charisma, so will likely stick around. Randy and Paula are more forgiving. Simon loved it. I'm surprised.

Chikezie - Great power in the strong parts, a little weak on high and soft notes. Good song choice. Randy and Paula liked it. Simon disses it 'cuz Whitney Houston made it a girly song, never mind that males have sung it too.

Tops and Props: David C., A. and H., in that order.

Bottoms: For me, Danny and Luke.

Leaving: Luke Menard