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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Top 7 Minus 1 - Mariah Carey and Elliot Yamin Perform!

I liked the opening song. They all did great!

Jason goes to the (my) right.

David C. goes to the left, making me suspect this is the top 3, leaving Jason in the bottom, though that seems unlikely.

Carly joins Jason on the right, but not before asserting that Simon has been rough on her this season, and making the right side more likely to be the bottom.

Kristy goes to the left with David C.

They're doing a pretty good job of keeping us guessing.

Elliot Yamin did great! Sorry to hear about his mom.

Syesha joins Jason and Carly, making it a bit more likely that's the losing side, but still unlikely. Naturally they're saving David A. for last.

Brooke joins Kristy and David C.

I'm beginning to wonder if they've come up with a new way to screw with us, since both sides seem like a possible mix of tops and bottoms.

Call-in questions were good, as always.

Mariah Carey was not really impressive. I thought the song choice could have been better... ; )
Oh, she kicked it up a notch at the end. That's much better.

David A. now takes the stage. He's safe, of course.

Ah. I thought so. Now they swap David C. with Syesha and play the old game of making David A. choose the winners. He won't, so Ryan guides the winners to him. So he, Jason, Carly, and David C. are safe.

That leaves Syesha, Kristy and Brooke. Though I wish it was Syesha, it's probably Brooke.

Syesha is safe. Take a deep breath, Bo.

Wow. Kristy is leaving. A bit unexpected, but inevitable, really. She sings off very nicely. She's come a long way this season, and I'll miss her a bit.

British people don't like the Irish, do they?

Seriously, I don't know how much more I can take. Carly gets slammed week after week after really good performances. And Syesha gets praised week after week even after pretty sucky performances. Carly hits every note spot on and they say, "Not good enough." Syesha hits some horribly off notes and they say, "A little pitchy, but you BROUGHT it tonight girl!" To which she grins broadly and smugly replies in her whiny "I'm so pretty" voice, "Thank you, Raaaaaaaaandy!" Blech. I feel like throwing up every time I see her.

I'm more ticked at the inconsistency of slamming Carly for good performances while praising Syesha for sub-par performances. All. The. Time. I mean, c'mon, Syesha is the consummate sounds-like-every-other-singer Diva. There is nothing unique about her, she keeps singing Whitney, Celine, and Fantasia (Grrrrrrrr!) and yet she consistently gets WAY more than an "ai-aight!" It's always high praise. Even from Simon! Are they insane?! Do they want Syesha there more than Carly?? That kind of stupidity is what got Michael Johns kicked off while the likes of, oh, Syesha stay on. How in the world is that happening?! So I guess I'm miffed at 2 things--Syesha still being there and Michael Johns not being there. I mean, who would you rather look at, er, listen to?

So, Mariah Carey. Hmmm, I haven't been a big fan of hers. Ever. She's nice, I guess. I guess I feel apathetic. And I long for Elton John weeks.

David Archuleta (“When You Believe”)
Is he seriously wearing leather pants?? He was good, but I'm getting a little bored. He still hasn't done a fast song except for the one where he botched the lyrics, anyone notice that? He's cute and I don't dislike him, but I'm a little bored. And when I see his CD on the shelf next to, oh, Castro's? Or David Cook's? Guess which ones we're buying and which ones we're not. The teeny bopper girls will keep voting him through and he is very good, no question, but he's not my favorite.

Carly Smithson (“Without You”)
What is Randy smoking?! Someone pass some of Paula's drug to him and then give an occasional puff to Simon, because Randy is both tone deaf and stupid this season. He criticizes her and you just know that he's going to be all smiles and praise for his girl, Syesha. Blech. He sickens me. Look don't get me wrong, Carly is great, but she's not my favorite either. But she IS better than Syesha. Much better. And a billion times more likable. And Simon, we get it. You're British. She's Irish. So you simply can't bring yourself to like her. Or be nice to her. Classy.

Syesha Mercado (“Vanishing”)
Mark predicted she'd sing "Hero" and though she didn't, I hope he's right about her prophetic lyrics (though I thought that Carly's were a bit foreboding and a propos, too). I can give credit where due. She's pretty good and she has a nice voice, but it's copycat and pitchy and they seem to overlook that in her, but find things to pick on when it comes to Carly. I don't understand it. Syesha isn't even likable! And did you catch the stupid "Ohhhhh, Lo!" Ramiellism? Blech. She's the only one who "gets" her, remember? "Hi Girl!" Blech blech blech. Randy adores her and I don't get it. Maybe Ramielle does. There is simply nothing there when it comes to her--no connection, no passion, it reeks of bad acting. Yuck.

Brooke White (“Hero”)
Ah, there it is. I thought David A. or Syesha would sing it, but okay, Brooke did. Not surprising. Too bad they didn't all sing it--would've been more interesting to compare them anyway. I didn't like the piano thing. She was racing and her tempo was all over the place and she was so nervous she was visibly shaking. I'm VERY surprised that Simon didn't say, "That was like some ghastly high school talent show, wasn't it. And the girl is in her pretty dress and her parents are beaming. And it's all a bit hokey and predictable." I like her okay, but it wasn't a good week for her and I'm bored by her, too. Then again, I have to remember it IS Mariah Carey week and that's not a good thing for most of them. I do think it's funny that she's so weird on stage (putting on her shoe, can't find her seat, etc.), but the pouty Utah Mormon face is bugging me. A lot. Maybe those girls who miss their nanny will get her back this week, but I'm hoping Syesha gets that job.

Kristy Lee Cook (“Forever”)
She's gotten better over time (I'm surprised she's still around--I thought she'd get booted in the first few weeks) and she'll do well in country music (like Gracin and Bucky and Phil Stacey and all those others who sort of switched genres in the middle and "Hey, look at that! She's a country star!"), but I'm not a huge fan or anything. Though kudos to her for not buckling under pressure.

David Cook (“Always Be My Baby”)
I wasn't sure at first if I'd like it or not. But wow. It was actually really good! And a standing O from Randy. Wow! And it wasn't for Syesha. I'm shocked and awed. I agree about the movie soundtrack comments. It was a really good performance. And it was obviously moving to him to do so well with his sick brother (who did not look well at all) in the audience. I like David Cook and want to see him do well.

Jason Castro (“I Don’t Wanna Cry”)
Ah now, here's my favorite! And by favorite I mean so-buying-his-album. Love his style. He has a distinct style all his own and I love what he does every week. I hope he sticks around longer than Syesha and Kristy. I think he will. I'm with Magistra--A Cook (David, not Kristy Lee)/Castro finale would be FABULOUS. We haven't had that good (exciting) a finale since Season 2, IMO. Love this guy!

Tops for me for them: David Cook and Jason Castro (I'm still singing "Over the Rainbow" as I walk around). Love him.
Bottom 3: The girls with a girl going home and we can only hope it's Syesha

Pop and Country and Rock! Oh My!

Mariah Carey night. Hmmm. I wasn't sure what contestants would do with this one since now they get to be directly compared to a diva, singing that diva's songs. It all seems so unfair. Plus, so many of her songs are quite alike so on the surface it seems it would be quite difficult to be unique.

RANDOM THOUGHTS: It took only 90 seconds to get to the "Randy, do you know this girl" part of the show. You know he loves the attention, though. Mariah seems like a decent person. The mentors lately have been very pleasant with the contestants from what it seems. I called it before Simon said it--the guys had it easier last night since it's harder to draw a direct comparison. So what would have Michael Johns done with this week anyway? Nice to hear from Carly that the rest of the contestants are "boring." It bodes well for the rest of the season. we're back to filling with fluff since we now have few enough contestants to leave a lot of dead space to fill. Sort of like when there are 10 contestants and they do a 2-hour show. We're just waiting for when they sing 2 a piece.

David Archuleta: Nice job, kid. It was a good, solid way to start, further legitimizing his presence here in the Top 7.

Carly Smithson: What does this girl need to do to get some praise? She did a lot better than the judges give her credit for. We get it. They are looking for a little more "wow," but this performance was actually really good. I'm scared for what will happen.

Syesha Mercado: She was out of tune frequently. That's just the way it was. Why the judges don't hear more than "a couple of pitch problems" is beyond me. She didn't stink the place up, but she is in no way deserving of the kind of praise she gets. Nothing personal against Syesha, but her praise and Carly's criticism should have been flip-flopped last night. She also sang the song with the most ominous lyrics tonight.

Brooke White: For being a genre of songs she really had no business performing she did well. It was not her best night and all of us here at home could hear her rushing and saw the nerves. I'm glad she didn't get knocked for not using the band after the judges suggested they like that type of performance from her.

Kristy Lee Cook: Not bad. She seems a lot more confident each week and should have a nice country career after the show. Overall it was an "in the middle" type of performance.

David Cook: Awesome! That takes some serious chutzpah to take one of the most obviously pop Mariah Carey songs and change the vibe. It had sort of a Goo Goo Dolls kind of feel and Paula was right on when she put it on a future movie soundtrack. Nice to see him back this week after a rough past week. He is the most original with the brightest future ahead of him. He should have Daughtry-esque success after the show.

Jason Castro: I liked the group he had on the stage with him. I don't think it was the best vocal he's had over the past 3 or 4 weeks, but it was definitely a strong, strong performance. This guy is surprising me week after week.

MY TOP THREE: David Cook and the other two guys
MY BOTTOM THREE: Brooke White, Syesha Mercado, Kristy Lee Cook
VANISHING: Syesha Mercado

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Top 7 - Mentored by Mariah Carey!

David A. - 'When You Believe' - Very nicely done. He captured the audience and the judges liked it unanimously. Simon says he "set the benchmark for the night."

Carly - 'Without You' - One of my favorite songs. She starts well, but going to the lower register is a bit awkward for her. Then she powers into high gear. Will Simon think she sounded "angry?" I thought it was good, but not great throughout. Randy nails her on the lower register. Paula is supportive. Simon didn't think it made the grade.

Syesha - 'You're Vanishing' - A little pitchy in the softer spots, but overall quite good. I didn't love how she tracked the camera at the end. Randy notices the pitch, but is supportive. Paula is supportive. Simon didn't like the choice of an unfamiliar song, but grants her technical excellence, as before.

Brooke - 'Hero' - Another favorite - The first note is shaky, but she eases into it and carries it well enough with a simple solo piano accompaniment, though it is somewhat weak. A closeup of her face seems to show her shaking with nerves, and she seems to be thinking, "How did I do?" right at the end. Randy picks up on the loss of confidence at the end and the inconsistent performance. Paula supports her authenticity. Simon says the weak bridge was her downfall.

Kristy - 'Forever' - Gave Mariah goosebumps. She starts with pitch and timing problems, but opens it up well, and achieves her goal of connecting with it emotionally. Props, but not great. Randy echoes my concerns, but gives her props, as well. Paula is much more supportive. Simon didn't get chills (he gets chills?) and agrees that it was not good enough.

David C. - I don't know the song, but his performance is impressive. He definitely seemed to give it some personal touches that made it his own. Randy says it was recordable. Paula agrees. Simon plays games with the audience's heads and says it was "like coming out of karaoke hell," and gave it high praise for risk-taking and originality.

Jason - 'Only Emptiness' - A bit weak in the softer parts, which is most of the song, and noticeably pitchy in spots. I didn't love it at all. Randy didn't like it. Paula is supportive. Simon surprisingly thought it was good. Again, I'm outvoted about Jason. Perhaps if I adopt Simon's perspective as a money-hungry producer, I'll be able to see more clearly... ; )

Tops and Props: The Davids, your choice.

Bottoms: Despite my crush, I have to add Brooke in with Syesha. Her tentativeness is beginning to bother me.

Leaving: Syesha, I hope, but she seems to have quite a following, and might beat out Brooke.