What started as a group of friends emailing at least weekly has turned into this blog. I guess we're ready to share our modest humor with the world! DAILY UPDATES, *HILARIOUS REVIEWS*, AI GOSSIP!! Be sure to pay attention to who's posting what--we have several contributors, read the comments, and CHECK OUR LINKS ON THE LEFT to not miss posts! We generally all "meet here" after the shows especially. WELCOME!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

New Your New Your

Yeah yeah...cos I'm from new Yawk I gotta hear all dis gripin about our performers. Da reality is simple, we got more singers in da contest den anyplaces else.

Now, I hope that feels your overdone NY accent quota for the year, cos I don't like doing it. On with the show...or train wreck...you choose.

Normally I'm never disappointed in my own state, we are a dignified group (angry, hostile, indignant, rude and surly) and very rarely do you find something that can embarass us. We like to call those embarassments one of two things:
1. Tourists
Basically, these are the people who are visiting from someplace else and don't get it.
"I'm from Maryland and I love it here, except I don't understand why strangers don't talk to me on the subway".
Even if they decide to live here, if they don't get it, then they are tourists.
2. East Villagers
This group of misfits is usually responsible for some of the mind bendingly lame performances we saw last night. Villagers are basically a mix of real NY residents and wannabe real NY residents. They show up and rent the apartment next to some heroin addicts and claim to be actors and performers while working as waitresses and waiters. It's this group of defects that you see parading around on television saying things like "I'm a superstar".

For some reason, that area draws in freaks like magnets. Anyone with any desire to be famous gathers down in the village, they all frequent the same lame bars and call them trendy (like a 20 seat smelly bar is trendy because a bunch of out of staters sit there at night discussing how cool the village is). Now you take these tourists and East Villagers and put them in front of a camera and you get the spectacle you saw last night.

First you have real NY residents, some good, some bad. They came they saw they tried...a few got in. The sad part is the jackasses who inserted themselves in as normal NYers and made complete fools of themselves on national television. I for one am beginning to tire of the producers sick need to put mentally unstable and/or deficient people in front of the camera as if this will amuse us. The bush baby, the Elvis torture test from Memphis and NY's crazy guitar playing psychic who hates her first name. She's sounds like Janis Joplin, Stevie Nicks and Led Zeppelin, appearently that's what they would sound like if you stuck them all into a small room with hungry bobcats. Sorry Julie, a real psychic would have known they had no chance...just ask Dionne Warwick and her Psychic Friends.

What really made me throw my shoe at the screen last night was this annoying nuisance Ian Bernardo. He's a total fraud, he wasn't even entertaining as a joke performer. He purposely showed up to be a jackass and all I wanted to do was hit him in the face with a boat oar. I honestly am not sure who I am more pissed at, Ian for being a worthless talentless hack, AI for giving this loser air time, or Fox news and everyone else who is interviewing this moron as if he is running for office. Please people ignore the morons and focus on the talent.

33 people made it through last night, but my fear is since Davita was one of them, how many other instant cut people got through today only to be sacrificed in Hollywood. Justin Timberlake kid showed some promise, and so did a few others but it seems like perhaps barely good enough might be enough this year. I'm not looking forward to the massive slaughterhouse they are lining up in Hollywood, but at least it will fill time for them.

One last note, I have no problem with Nicholas Pedro getting a second chance, however if I was on the panel he would only be allowed to try out with one song, "Buttercup".


  1. Funny - and insightful. Gives new meaning to the term 'village idiots'... : P

  2. Good to have you posting again. Great insights, and from a true New Yorker. I'm with you on the news and every other media outlet giving these idiots more attention. This is their whole problem in the first place. Whatever Ian's intentions behind his auditions, it is apparent that he has some sick need to get attention. Continually giving it to him, whether because of his "singing," his "dancing," or his eloquence, adds more fuel to the fire and begs all the Ians of this world to show up come A.I. time. Can you believe he occupied nearly 10 minutes of programming alone?!

  3. "...that's what they would sound like if you stuck them all into a small room with hungry bobcats."

    ROTFL!!! That's a great image!!! :)
