What started as a group of friends emailing at least weekly has turned into this blog. I guess we're ready to share our modest humor with the world! DAILY UPDATES, *HILARIOUS REVIEWS*, AI GOSSIP!! Be sure to pay attention to who's posting what--we have several contributors, read the comments, and CHECK OUR LINKS ON THE LEFT to not miss posts! We generally all "meet here" after the shows especially. WELCOME!

Friday, February 23, 2007


Well the show started off with a ... stutter. The group song was like watching a Brady Bunch reunion. GAG!!!!

Ryan surprised us by not drawing it out too much, and Paul was the first boy to go. It's not a terrible surprise...The surprise in that group was that Sundance was safe!

Now it's the first set of girls...

Yuck, Antonella is safe. After seeing her *wild* pics on the internet today, I am very unimpressed with that girl. We have enough out of control female pop stars these days that we don't need to add to the problem by creating another one.

Amy is gone...again, not a big surprise.

Ah, a little surprise, the girls are up again! Nicole is gone - again, it's rather expected and not a huge loss.

And finally, the second round of boys...

Sanjaya is in the top 4 boys??? The grandmas and tweens must have been burning up the phone lines! Rudy's going home...a final "non-surprise"!

So sadly in a few weeks we won't remember any of them (and hopefully you won't remember how I've abused the words "again" and "surprise" in this post)! America didn't do too badly this week, and some people really got a lucky break. They better step it up next week!


  1. "So sadly in a few weeks we won't remember any of them..."

    It's not so sad. In fact, if I'm still stuck with the memory of Nicole in two weeks, I'm having it surgically removed... ; )

  2. Over the next two weeks I imagine you'll be saying "again, no surprise" a lot. And I hear you on the grandmas and tweens thing. Sanjaya has a few more weeks where this vote will really help him, but he needs to step it up a bit to stick around. I think he has way more potential than Chicken Little last year, though.

  3. "Sanjaya is in the top 4 boys??? The grandmas and tweens must have been burning up the phone lines!"

    No kidding! I was a bit surprised myself (after my initial out loud "DUH, of course he's in the top 4! There are 6 boys!" Thankfully, Denise looked at me and asked (with only minor tone), "What are you thinking?!" and Mark reminded me to not do math. :P) Ah, we love this show.

    And LOL at John's having it surgically removed!
