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Thursday, March 01, 2007


I haven't looked at any of the other posts yet since I wanted to write mine first, so I don't know if anyone else mentioned this, but I saw Simon on Extra last night. He says the "woman who saved him" is his Mum!!! :)

GINA - Oh no, a *taboo* slow song, though it does grow. I loved this song by Carrie, so we'll see how Gina does...She does it well! Good job. I love the props to the back up singer. Simon's right (again!) that her vocal sounded forced at the end. I like her personality!

ALAINA - That was a neat tribute to her mom. Hmmm...Dixie Chicks...that's going to be a tough one. Natalie Maines has such a distinctive, unique voice that it will be hard to make this song "her own". Well, Alaina did pretty well, but it's hard not to compare it to the original. She looked *squinty* throughout the performance, which I found distracting. I think she's got the looks/persona of a pop star, but we'll see if that's enough. She takes what the judges say *way* too personally.

LAKISHA - Cute grandma flirting with Ryan!!! :) I love finding out more personal stuff about the contestants! Excellent job!!! She showed she doesn't just have to belt it out to be an awesome singer! Enough fashion advice already from the man who only wears tight black T-shirts with an occasional gray thrown in for variation...

MELINDA - I just LOVE her!!! Now here's a girl who can sing a slow song and do a WONDERFUL job!!! Her voice is just amazing. I hope Melinda doesn't ever completely lose her nerves/humility - it is so endearing!

(I just have to say here that A.J. is really cute, they keep showing the boys during the performances and he's over there, totally into each one, I love it!!! That makes his stock rise with me!)

ANTONELLA - Celine? From Antonella? Has she not watched this show before or what??? I'm trying to give her a little benefit of the doubt...Simon also said on Extra last night that someone sold those pics to the tabloids (which he found "disgraceful" - the selling of the pics, not the pics themselves...) but the fact that she was even taking pictures like that makes me wonder at her ability to handle any type of fame or money. It would probably ruin her. I am trying to imagine what her mother must be thinking! I think I was objective, and her performance was not great. It was "a-ight". Her looks may take her far though, and even the publicity, because bad or good still gets her noticed. She's another one who takes the judges' comments too personally.

JORDIN - Another sweet dedication! And another voice that can sing a slow song!!! WOO HOO!!! There are some people with GREAT voices (Jordin, Melinda) who can sing the slow songs at this stage of the competition. Then there are others who don't have the best voices, but may do very well, and could even win, because they have that *certain something*. However you need to know your voice, and if you don't have a *GREAT* one, you shouldn't be singing slow songs at this stage. Way to go Jordin!

STEPHANIE - I didn't realize she's only 19, that's younger than I thought! She did really well! With the competition she has it's tough, but she did a great job, especially towards the end.

LESLIE - I *LOVED* the beginning and I was feeling a little more receptive toward her, however I didn't like the end. She did much better than last week though! I'll give her a "good job".

HALEY - There is something about *her* I really like. Her vocal was good, but unfortunately the competition is VERY TOUGH. It's hard to be compared to them. Simon is rough! I like that it seemed like she at least *tried* to not take it personally (unlike others...).

SABRINA - She did a very good job! Her voice is really pretty. I don't know why but I'm just not very invested in her at this stage of the game.

Below are *my* personal top and bottom, not necessarily who I think America will vote for...


BOTTOM - ANTONELLA (though her notoriety/looks will probably carry her through to the top 12) and ALAINA (who has the looks but not the notoriety), then probably HALEY.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the dirt on Simon's mom being his saviour!
