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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Here We Go Again!

Yes, this post is a day late. And yes, this week has been one of those weeks. But the blog must go on! So, similar to the guys last night, there were a few great performances, one or two pretty bad ones, and the rest were relatively good. Ultimately there are 6 obvious choices for the finals (one of which will be left out for a less deserving contestant) and 6 locks to go home. The interesting part is to see the order in which they depart, and which ones we are forced to endure the spotlight for yet another week. At least in the beginning we get rid of 4 (when you count the boys) at a time. Like ripping off a band-aid.

RANDOM THOUGHTS: I'm living my life in color, but not quite as much as Randy's shirt shows. I'm glad dedications are over. I liked the good ones, but the cheesy ones got old fast. What's with the car tire in the Unnamed Cola Beverage Red Room. I'm surprised there isn't a big ol' "Ford" stamped across it. Randy must have a lot of difficulty making decisions since he keeps rubbing his Magic 8 Ball. And 8 Ball must have been returning a lot of "ask again laters" because he looks to Paula to soften his comments or something. "Uh, I dunno. Paula? Did I like that? Why do I have difficulties expressing myself when my opinions are lukewarm? I mean, it was okay--not good, not bad. Why can't I just say that? Paula? Paula? C'mon, help me here!" Speaking of lukewarm, did anyone clap when Ryan announced that Kellie Pickler will be performing on Thursday? Stephanie Edwards didn't care. She does care about herself, though. Why does Simon keep giving out fashion advice? He's the one who says over and over again that this is a "singing competition." Either it is or it isn't. You choose.

OK. OK. Here we go. I actually know some song titles. It helps that A.J. and Leslie sang the same song. It's like a two-for-one.

GINA GLOCKSEN ("Alone"): There are a lot of people picking songs that contestants have done in the past. Not only done, but done well. Gina's low register was great, and her style fits the song, but I've been thinking the same thing as Simon (gasp!)--she has to really stretch for the high notes, and in the process it affects her performance. She definitely is one of the top 6 girls, though.

ALAINA ALEXANDER ("Not Ready to Make Nice"): Crazy! How do you pick this song after the Dixie Chicks won so many Grammys so recently? Give Alaina points for having some chutzpah, but it didn't ever get off the ground.

LAKISHA JONES ("Midnight Train to Georgia"): I'm so shocked someone sang this song. It was going to happen sometime, and I love the song, so I'm glad Lakisha did it before someone else could get to it (except maybe Melinda). I was also glad to see Lakisha get more "musical." She also still managed to show her powerful side, lest we forget.

MELINDA DOOLITTLE ("My Funny Valentine"): Amazing! This girl is probably the most talented contestant we've seen on A.I., possibly ever. Her dynamics, phrasing, emotion, interpretation, everything was outstanding. She even hit all of her "jazz notes" with perfect pitch. The small stage of the Top 24 shows takes a bit away from the impact of great performances, and I think if she had done this same performance in the finals, on the big stage, with more fans going crazy, we'd all be saying this is the best single individual performance on American Idol in any season to date. Even on the little stage, I'll say it holds its own with any other. With her humility and talent, she is the front runner in this competition without a doubt.

ANTONELLA BARBA ("Because You Loved Me"): So her dad looks connected, and her brother's name is Vincenzo (just call me Vinnie)--no wonder she's still around! Judges, be careful when you turn the key in the ignition tonight! Anyway, she really should not have tried a Celine Dion song, as this places a huge bullseye on your chest a la Rudy Cardenas. She improved her performance from last week (whoopie!) but still is outclassed by the competition. And she had to follow Melinda. Ouch! On a positive note, great tribute to the Partridge Family with that dress!

JORDIN SPARKS (That one song from Mulan): Shouldn't Haley Scarnato be singing this song? Jordin is good. She's spunky. She's talented. She'll be in the Top 12. Blah, blah, blah. This we all know.

STEPHANIE EDWARDS ("Dangerously in Love"): We all know you don't like any of the other contestants. No need to lie. Stephanie is a great singer, and this performance was more proof, but her attitude stinks! She exudes arrogance and overconfidence, and she will not go very far if that keeps up. We learned a lot from Latoya London--great talent will not overcome what the public sees as a snob.

LESLIE HUNT ("Feeling Good"): I could just repeat a bunch of stuff I said about A.J.'s performance on Tuesday, minus landing helicopter remarks, but I won't. Better song style this week, but it was just aight for me. The scatting was actually awful, and the fact that she had it written out makes it even worse. I'm sure Blake Lewis didn't write his down for Tuesday, although, I'm not sure how one would write all of his beatbox noises down. But I digress, Leslie is another one who is a good singer but just not in the same league as the rest.

HALEY SCARNATO ("Queen of the Night"): Although, she should have changed the title to "Princess After a Nap" or some such. Just changing the song doesn't change the singer. She was still a bit over the top Broadway in my opinion. It was better than last week, though.

SABRINA SLOAN (???): Sabrina has a lot of talent, and at times her performances are outstanding. I still feel like she really pushes the high notes too much. I thought she was on the edge of yelling this week as well. And for the record, I thought of that independently from Simon. She's still finalist material, but sort of middle of the road for me.


Better song, good job, we'll see you next week.
ALAINA: When the sound mixer can't find your vocal, you're in trouble.
LAKISHA: Way to rein it in and show us more of your talent.
MELINDA: Go straight to the winner's circle. If you pass Go, collect millions of dollars.
ANTONELLA: Thank the producers each night for your extensive pre Top 24 airtime. It's what's keeping you around. Come on, get happy!
JORDIN: Keep pushing yourself, because the "age card" will only take you so far.
STEPHANIE: Pride goeth before the fall!
LESLIE: Doo be do doo be, rat a tata, flippin' and flappin', good bye, good bye.
HALEY: A little less crimp, a little more substance.
SABRINA: I can hear you just fine. You don't need to shout.

MY TOP 3: Can I choose Melinda 3 times? No? Then, Melinda, Lakisha, Gina.
MY BOTTOM 3: Haley, Alaina, Antonella.
SEEING A THERAPIST TO START THE HEALING: Anto--, yeah right! Leslie and Haley (I like how they performed back to back, just to make it easy on us.)

So, the Top 6 girls was set before any of the 12 started performing. The big question is, which girl will be out next week to make room for Antonella? Impossible you say? This must be your first season with American Idol.


  1. My posts are always a day late, so no skin off my back! ;)

    I loved your random thoughts...poor Kellie, another one of those "inform the audience before the announcement that they should act happy and excited!!!"

    I didn't even realize Leslie and AJ sang the same song! Shows my musical prowess... ;)

    I haven't watched Stephanie too closely, but over-confidence can kill you just like poor singing can!

  2. "Princess After A Nap" ROTFL! Great post as always--I love it! :)

  3. Love the bit on Randy's eight ball and his appeals to Paula...LOL!
