What started as a group of friends emailing at least weekly has turned into this blog. I guess we're ready to share our modest humor with the world! DAILY UPDATES, *HILARIOUS REVIEWS*, AI GOSSIP!! Be sure to pay attention to who's posting what--we have several contributors, read the comments, and CHECK OUR LINKS ON THE LEFT to not miss posts! We generally all "meet here" after the shows especially. WELCOME!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Well, it was an *interesting* evening...

Overall I wasn't as excited about the judges picks as I usually am. I don't know if it was just the people they showed or what. Maybe a bad mood? Who knows...

How about that newlywed with the little girl voice? And Tatiana? Or Bernard the 2nd? (Simon was sure excited about him - that was surprising!) Then there was Big Bird, who was hoping to "overwell" the judges...hmmmm.

The "blue-eyed bombshell" gave a little too much of a "pity-party" story for me.

There was one bright light of the evening... CHRIS SLIGH!!!! Now there was someone to get excited about! I loved that there was a funny contestant who was actually *trying* to be funny (rather than just someone being made fun of....)!!! And I *really* liked his voice. He was definitely my favorite of the night!

If there's one judge you don't want to be missing when you're auditioning, it's Paula...too bad for the Day 2 contestants!!!

H-O-L-Y-H-A-I-R...Need I say more? I did feel bad for her though when she was so sad afterwards. And Simon's "Sorry Vic, it's a no"...good grief, where does he get off calling people nicknames?

Did "Like A Virgin" say she had an "excrordinary voice"? I replayed it three times and that's what I heard! That audition reminded me of a 5 year old's dance recital - she had the exact same moves.

And finally, a shot of Simon going through the wrong door...sweet justice for all the contestants who have done the same thing this season!

Hasta manana... :)


  1. Oh...I totally agree about the wrong door karma...so funny!

  2. I noticed the same thing. SOMEONE LABEL THE DOORS! And if that's the kind of dancing 5-year-olds do at YOUR schools . . . YIKES! ;)

  3. I love the "sweet justice" comment! Hilarious! I actually enjoyed seeing a fun Simon side of him. He was so happy to be done with auditions that he was actually kind of fun and funny. "Call me, sweetheart! You know you want to!" LOL!

  4. Okay, so not the *exact* same moves, Mark!!!! ;P
