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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Top 16! - 8 Girls

Jordin Sparks - Heartbreaker - challenging song, but she seems up to it! Great energy, and the judges liked it, though Simon plays the reserved professional...or reserved Brit.

Sabrina Sloan - Better tonight at not pushing the song, but doesn't quite get a grip on the song. I think she lost synch with the band at one point, which the judges seem not to have noticed. I agree with Randy that I'd like to hear a more melodious song by which to gauge her abilities.

Antonella Barba - Pitchy in spots, and uninspiring. It seems she saved it all for the last note, and even that wasn't held long enough. Simon is straightforward, but I agree that she seems played out, and unlikely to rise to, or in, the competition.

Haley Scarnato - By far her best performance. This is the first time I've really liked her. It was almost very good, but missed the 'it' factor. Simon is brutally honest, but not really too far off base about her chances.

Stephanie Edwards - Starts very well, but doesn't handle the low register well. The last note was actually on, but the chorus was off on that note. Up there with Jordin tonight, for me. Simon likes her better than Randy and Paula, and so do I, but I think she needs to take it up a notch.

Lakisha Jones - Starts with a hug from Ryan...awww. Big song with a great arrangement, and she fills it completely. Best tonight, by far, so far, and a brilliant soft ending instead of a scream. And her hair looks gorgeous! A big improvement over last week, and a definite top 12.

Gina Glockson - Not my style, and some oversinging, but energetic and connected with the edgy genre. Not the best, but will make it to the top 12.

Melinda Doolittle - Okay, so my budding star is a little OCD. Man does she sizzle! I love this gal! Yes, she is a W-O-M-A-N!!! They were wise to close with her. She'll definitely bring us back again for more.

Tops: Melinda and Lakisha are in a class by themselves...Jordin and Gina and the rest come next.

Bottoms: Antonella, and someone I haven't already named. For me, the runners-up for worst were all about equal tonight.

See you at the Colosseum!



  1. Yes, both the guys and girls are sort of two-horse races with the rest to follow. Theme weeks should weed out the pretenders pretty quickly and painlessly.

  2. Yes, it will be really interesting to see the boys and girls sing together. I think the *cream* will rise to the top!!!
