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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Start trimming the waste . . .

Predictably, we've arrived at the 1970s. In my opinion the 70s offer more hope for stardom than the 60s week did, but apparently the contestants saw things differently. Overall the song choices were off with a couple of exceptions. The theme for this week actually seemed to be 180 Week since a lot of the guys came off quite differently than last week. Or, maybe it was 360 week. Randy, and thoughts? Simon is plain nasty this year, like he's bored or something. "All this crap for 7 years and only a few superstars compared to so many wannabes?"

Anyway, other than the Davids, no one really impressed me all that much. Michael was a let down--get it out now--as was Jason Castro. David Hernandez did a great job this week. Robbie Carrico tries too hard, although I do feel badly for him a little. David Archuleta is amazing! I agree with Randy completely about his place in AI history with that performance. The most amazing part to me is that he embellished the melody just enough to sound 100% fresh on a song so many people have interpreted. Just awesome! True confession time: his performance brought a tear or two to this old softy's eye, and that only happens once or twice in an AI season.

Alright, on to my impressions this week. No awards this time. Just sushi.

Michael Johns--California roll. Fantastic taste, but it can get old if not carefully prepared.

Jason Castro--Spider roll. Have you ever seen all the little legs sticking out of the roll? Now look at his hair.

Luke Menard--Those tuna rolls you get at the grocery store with cooked tuna from the can. It's an attempt, and in a bind it might do the trick, but somehow it's just not sushi-ish enough. This is not unlike my wife's canned tuna on rice with soy sauce fiasco--it only happened once . . . years ago.

Robbie Carrico--Philly roll. Do smoked salmon and cream cheese really belong anywhere besides a bagel?!

Danny Noriega--Inari sushi. Sounds sort of weird at first, but it kind of grows on you.

David Hernandez--Shrimp nigiri. It tastes good, but I'd rather have something else when I get my sushi plate.

Jason Yeager--Tamago (egg) nigiri. Why? Why? Scrambled eggs on sushi rice. Why?

Chikezie--Unagi (eel) roll. Strong flavor, and either you like it or you don't.

David Cook--Spicy tuna roll. Great taste, but too much is too much.

David Archuleta--Tuna sashimi. Pure. No frills. Just great!

* * * * *

MY TOP THREE: David Archuleta, David Hernandez, Chikezie

GOING HOME: Jason Yeager, Luke Menard



  1. Mmmmm...tuna sahimi.

    Canned tuna and rice with soy sauce?

    Try a good old-fashioned tuna casserole for canned tuna.

  2. Yeah, it was a bad experiment. It was a VERY poor substitute for a sushi craving. Blech.

    However, a recent experiment has fared much better--a REALLY soft sandwich roll, spread with avocado and soy sauce and sprinkled with wasabi. YUM!
