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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Headline: Simon and Lakisha caught in a liplock!

So, what a show! This is one of the best shows to date and honestly, everyone did at least a really good job. And the judges seemed to be in a good mood this week. Everybody's feeling good about the millions of dollars they raised last week. It was a setup for a good one . . .

RANDOM THOUGHTS: Bon Jovi has a lot better songs than Diana Ross. Good ol' Jon looked pretty psyched for Blake's performance, even if he didn't want to let on about it. So, Jordin's mom "grew up" on Bon Jovi. I feel like I did, listening to my brother's "Slippery When Wet" record. Yes, you read that correctly: it was a record (often played right after listening to my Europe, "Final Countdown" record). So, I guess that means the "next generation" is coming along, making me one of the "aging generations." My how time flies. So, Lakisha found a personality this week, and Simon found a new girlfriend. It's nice to see Simon in love. Melinda rocks! I bet Gina felt like crap listening to Ryan's "too bad you're out already, this would have been an awesome week for you" jabs, and then watching Melinda fumble through the rockin' sign language . . . twice! This was a great night for the band. Ricky was rockin', B.B. King's little brother was lovin' it, the percussionist got a great workout on Blake's song. Awesome band night! And why didn't George W pony up a little green tonight? He only makes half-a-million dollars for being president besides the private plane and free meals! Sheesh!

PHIL STACEY ("Blaze of Glory"): First of all, wrong lyrical choice for elimination protection. And especially considering two people go home tomorrow, it all becomes so much more precarious. Phil rocked the house, this much I can admit. His self-aggrandizing personality still irritates me, but based on his rocked-out, slightly country-tinged rendition and Bon Jovi's glowing praise he should be here next week. Let's see if America likes him more than Simon.

JORDIN SPARKS ("Living on a Prayer"): So, that was the wrong song in the wrong key at the wrong time. Ouch! She is so much better than this week showed. Well, I guess she can't be held responsible for music she only heard as an infant. She did sound better after the Truck Driver's Gear Change toward the end of the song, but it didn't help much.

LAKISHA JONES ("This Ain't a Love Song"): I'd never heard this song before, but she rocked it! Classic Lakisha power ballad at the right time. She was in control and looked like she owned the stage. No wonder Simon wanted to get a little of that som'in' som'in'!

BLAKE LEWIS ("You Give Love a Bad Name"): Mark it down. Tonight is the night that you saw the most original performance in Idol history, past, present, or future. OK, so it's a bit hyperbolic, but I wouldn't be surprised if when this show is gone, Blake's performance tonight ranks up there as one of the most memorable. It was awesome! Jon Bon Jovi wanted to love it in the open, but had to keep his true feelings in the closet on this one. I knew Blake had to bring back his unique style and did he ever! I've never seen a contestant with so much chutzpah and the talent to back it. Wow!

CHRIS RICHARDSON ("Dead or Alive"): So the deck was stacked against him on two accounts: another Chris who now headlines a band bearing his last name a la Bon Jovi did this last year, and Richardson had to follow Blake. Oh, and Ryan made a stupid Timberlake comment (did you catch the Richardson eye roll?). Chris did a good job, even with the fates aligned to trip him up. You could hear his style a bit throughout, although I'm not sure I really heard any "blue notes." It's that time of year when the really good fall victim to the great, and Chris may be caught in the crossfire.

MELINDA DOOLITTLE ("Have a Nice Day"): OK. I think I will, but only because you so emphatically encouraged me to do so. Great song selection and a great way to wrap up the show. This girl can sing, and bonus points to her for knockin' it out the box on an off week for her. BonJovi? Melinda? Really?

MY TOP 3: Blake, Melinda, Lakisha

It's so tough to predict this week since it's the combined votes from the past two weeks, and I don't think Phil deserves it this week, but that's the way I see it for now. Oh, and they announce the finalists for the Songwriting contest tomorrow (from what I can seen online). I'll let you all know if mine is there. Cross your fingers. Pray. Light candles. Perform ritualistic sacrifice. Actually, scratch that. But do whatever else you want to bring about good karma!


  1. "Have a Nice Day. OK. I think I will, but only because you so emphatically encouraged me to do so."

    ROTFL! I love it!

    And GOOD LUCK with the song writing contest! Wouldn't that be AWESOME?!

  2. "It's that time of year when the really good fall victim to the great..." - great turn of phrase!

    I didn't realize they were booting two tomorrow! In that case, I'm sure it will be Chris and Phil.

  3. Ain't that the truth about Lakisha finding a personality!!! Who knew?? We'll see if it came too late...

    I loved the band as well!!!!

    Yeah, I think Chris hated the Timberlake comment...

    My fingers are crossed!!!
