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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

This show is dying.

Sanjaya and the Vote For The Worst crew and other people and sites which are promoting the thought that it's a good idea to vote for people like Sanjaya are going to ruin a show which could have launched some nice careers this season.

Here's the way I see it right now. I can't stand how untalented and now cocky this jackass is. I am truly concerned that we will see a decent singer sent home while we will be further forced to sit through another horrific version of a song by a person that I would have thrown my drink at in a karoake bar.

Tonight Jordin, Chris Sligh and Haley all screwed the pooch. Chris needs to get a metronome and spend some quality time learning how to sing with the beat and not tap dance all over it. Jordin took a simple bubble gum pop song and butchered it into a bad evening at the Apollo and even the sandman wouldn't have wanted to listen...HOOK HOOOK.... Just a side note here, i thought it was odd that no one commented that she was off key and out of breath in the middle of the song. She paced the song poorly and paid for it with her ability to hit notes. Haley is the sad one, she really could have nailed it tonight. Time after Time and True Colors are seriously two of my favorite songs, hearing her turn one into some nightmarish Celine Dion single made me want to cram pencils into my ears. I think this is our bottom three and I think we will lose one of these people to the reign of the unlistenable Sanjaya.

Since i'm ranting about this little puke, lets discuss it. He's got no voice, he can't project and he can't bring any power to his vocals. Most of his songs sound like he is having a conversation with his invisible friend who is slightly more effeminate then he is. Now tonight he took it a step further and takes on a second song I like, and this one I am a huge fan of. Not only did he horribly butcher the song, forget the lyrics and look like a jackass, but then he's cocky and makes obnoxious comments? Who is he?

I want to pound several bags of candy up his butt and beat him with a baseball bat. We can call it Pinata'. I bet I could charge people a dollar and make a fortune.

As for the rest of the evening, here's a simple summary. Lakisha and Melinda once again nail it to the wall and dare everyone else to step up. Blake Lewis brought an interesting twist to a classic Cure song and he really listened to Gwen which was a good plan, I think beat box would have been overkill. Chris Timberlake...I mean Richardson...desperately wants to by J-Tim and he is pulling off a fairly convincing act, but I don't think he can compete. Phil Stacy seems to be phoning it in every week, and it's getting tiresome. I think this was a basic coast week for him.

That just leaves Gina Glocksen, I saved this and seperated it because I think she is the one person who stepped up several levels and could see Melind and Kiki eye to eye this week.

Bottom three is Jordin, Haley and Chris Sligh and i'm thinking we might lose Haley.


  1. LOL! Don't hold back, big guy!

  2. Yeah, Chris's timing is just painful most of the time, and it takes away so much from his actual vocal ability. From experience I know that if you can't just *feel* the beat, the rest of the performance has zero chance.

  3. ROTFL at the pinata comment! And I love your labels. :P

  4. Is this Mother911 from Google Answers?
