What started as a group of friends emailing at least weekly has turned into this blog. I guess we're ready to share our modest humor with the world! DAILY UPDATES, *HILARIOUS REVIEWS*, AI GOSSIP!! Be sure to pay attention to who's posting what--we have several contributors, read the comments, and CHECK OUR LINKS ON THE LEFT to not miss posts! We generally all "meet here" after the shows especially. WELCOME!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Stephanie's Going Home

So, looking back over my list of best to worst, my second-from-the bottom got the boot. She didn't do well yesterday, but she deserved to be on the tour, vocally anyway. Her personality just wasn't that warm. And those with personality are really Blake and Jordin. Gina's okay, too. Sligh's getting old for me for him. Anyway, I digress.

So, Herman sounded better than Diana Ross. What a shocker. And Lulu? Wow, she sings that song differently than she did in the 60s. I love that song. I miss the old style. If she was going to make it contemporary, she could've let Blake beatbox it. (Blake has single-handedly introduced ALL of America to that term, by the way). Anyway, she sounded better than Diana Ross, too. And she's so cute!

Two things that bugged me about tonight. No, three.

1. Phil's camera mugging and constant cheering. He doesn't know when to stop.

2. Ryan's repeatedly erroneous statement, "You are not in the bottom 3 tonight." Liar! Clearly, he lied to someone. (For those who are mathematically challenged, there are 11 contestants and he only said who the bottom 2 were, so when he said, 'You are not in the bottom 3 tonight" to the other 9 people, he was lying to somebody).

3. Product Placement and Plugs. Hey look, everyone! There's a top 12 again! Brad Garrett has joined us! Isn't that clever? You see, what's happened? Tivo has happened. So, advertisers started sweating the fact that most of America happily fast forwards commercials (except my mom who has seriously said to me, "Those are the best part!" Sorry, Mom, I know that was years ago, but you DID say it), thus totally ignoring the fruits of their money and efforts.

So, what do they do? They put big, giant coke cups on the judges' table. And big red swirls on the floor and walls. They have little Ford vehicles drive right across the TV screen! And they put Brad Garrett in the top 10. It's such an imposition really. I mean, it's being THROWN at us. Even if we choose to not fast forward commercials, at least we can get up, walk out, grab a snack or use the bathroom (but, ewww, so not at the same time), walk back in, and not miss a second of our favorite shows while totally ignoring the commercials (except for my mom who will be sitting there watching every one of them).

But now we see it all while we watch our favorite shows. And I don't like it. It's like an invasion of privacy. Sort of. It's a violation anyway. And it bugs me. Grrrrr.

So, more Haley and more Sanjaya. And they're on the tour instead of Brandon and Stephanie. Harumph.

All in all, not super surprising just the same. Oh! But Chris R. being bottom two--yeah, that WAS surprising really. And interesting.

What I *am* beginning to see is the possibility of a finale between Melinda and Jordin or one of them and Blake . . .


  1. LOL on the commercialization. Oh, by the way, next week's theme is contemporary commercial jingles. Enjoy!

  2. Oh! And Charo will be the mentor.

  3. LOL @ "but, ewww, so not at the same time".

    Please be kidding about a commercial jingles theme, Mark!

  4. Are you kidding Mark????

    Nice about the bottom 3 catch - one of the others certainly *was* in the bottom 3!!! I wonder who?? I was surprised at who was there (well, who was in the bottom *2*), so far it's been a crapshoot - you never know from one week to the next!

  5. I read your site every week because it is informative and highly entertaining. Great contributors and onpoint comments.

    I deleted the show from my DVR (notice--no name brand so as not to offend Boquina)so I can't go back and check. But did Ryan actually use the words "not in the bottom 3" each time or with Lakisha et al did he say something like "you're safe?"

    And I for one am not disappointed that Stephanie is going home. From the beginning, I have not cared for her singing. She uses the Whitney Houston approach of sliding all over and around the notes so as to make us think she is actually singing the notes. Just my opinion.

  6. Hi Snow White!

    How fun to have a following! Thanks for posting! The nerd in me had to check after reading your post--he does say the same phrase to all 3 groups, but in listening again, he technically says, "You are not our bottom 3 tonight." So, I suppose a case could be made that technically he's right--all three of them do not comprise the bottom 3.

    My worry was that after telling 9 people that they weren't the bottom 3, that he was going to go back to one of them and call them out which would have been VERY MEAN.

    I'm a bit surprised at Chris Richardson being in the bottom 2 (not that I'm a big fan), but I agree about Stephanie.

    If the voting aligned with the singers/performers, Sanjaya and Haley would be out by now. I'm not that connected with any of them this year, except for Blake and Melinda and Jordin (and sometimes Lakisha). The others are kind of "bleh" for me for them. Even Sligh.

  7. Boquinha,
    Feel fortunate that you didn't grow up in a household with my dad because every time we said we hated commercials while watching a TV show-he replied, "Hey it pays the bills". Poor dad, I still flip to another channel during commercials.
