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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Moth Balls and Melon?

Sigh. To be blunt--the girls, collectively, suck compared to the guys. However, there are a couple of bright shining stars in this group of x-chromosomes. The entire group, collectively, is full of unique talent, too, so let's hope *that* is who makes it into the oh-so-coveted Top 12!

Asia'h - Her name is pronounced like the continent. Why is there an apostrophe and an "h" in her name? I'm with "The Troll" who posted on our blog today--"I feel if . . . mothers are going to throw together meaningless random combinations of vowels and consonants and call it a "name", I have no obligation to validate that inane decision." (edited for PCness) :) So, seriously, are the contestants deaf, stupid, or simply not listening? The judges say "Don't sing Whitney" and "Don't sing Celine" yet these divas consistently charge ahead. And for me, it's not just that they're stupid, it's that they're BORING. There are so many boring, boring diva songs. And I tire of them. "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" has got to be one of the most boring songs on the planet. So, this didn't do it for me. And I like Asia'h, so that's not good.

Kady - A Stepford Wife! Brilliant! Perfect description. I'm tired of her. I was tired of her 2 weeks ago and then again a week ago. As they say on Friends, "I'm bored with you now. Goodbye."

Amanda - Omigosh. Omigosh!! I'm so mind-numbingly bored with her voice and what happens? She does a good job. And the judges praise her to the hilt. Even during the credits. So, we have to sit through more. If you ask me, she was hoping to get booted 2 weeks ago. I was hoping she'd be done this week, but now I doubt it. I predict everyone tires of her rapidly when she's in the Top 12.

Carly - I like her. I like the way she says "Hoosband." And I think she's cute. And she can sing. And she's unique. And I feel like I'm watching World Idol when I watch her and Michael Johns, so it's fun. She'll sail through to the finals, methinks.

Kristy - They tell her to do country so she "countrifies" Journey?? I thought Randy would hate it, but maybe he was just excited to name drop. Again. Seriously, was he the only sober judge tonight? It was interesting and okay, but I don't think it was great. I'm a bit bored with her, too. Can we cut 4 girls and send more guys through?

Ramiele Malubay - Heh. Her name is fun to say. It sounds like all one word or like I'm fluent in Tagalog. "RamieleMalubay." Tee hee. Boring, boring song. And she's better than that. My gosh she's tiny! And way to prod, Seacrest. I love her answer. "ST-uff!" You go, girl.

Brooke White - I loved it! Best of the night, IMHO. She did a wonderful job. She's refreshingly original and fun and unique and she has a personality and good voice to boot. I love her. I love it. I want to see much more of her. Best of the night, no question (despite the judges' mad stupid praise of the nurse).

Syesha - (Reference The Troll). She's a diva and I've tired of her. I spent the entire time confused about her outfit--are those shorts? Is it a skirt? And is it made of a Hefty bag? I don't know why they raked Asia'h over the coals for singing Whitney and then gave her a "Good. Good. Predictable, but Good." Idiots. They were running out of time because we spent precious air time talking about mutts and moths and melon balls. Seriously, I do love Paula, but I think her meds are ridiculously off this week. Tonight at one point it was actually painful to watch and I had a visceral reaction to the extreme awkwardness. Why don't they stop her from talking? It was horrible. There simply isn't enough "positivity" to counteract the pain and discomfort.

Best of the night for me for her: Brooke White
Going Home: Kristy and Kady? Asia'h and Kady? I go with the first 2.

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