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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Top 7 Minus 1 - Mariah Carey and Elliot Yamin Perform!

I liked the opening song. They all did great!

Jason goes to the (my) right.

David C. goes to the left, making me suspect this is the top 3, leaving Jason in the bottom, though that seems unlikely.

Carly joins Jason on the right, but not before asserting that Simon has been rough on her this season, and making the right side more likely to be the bottom.

Kristy goes to the left with David C.

They're doing a pretty good job of keeping us guessing.

Elliot Yamin did great! Sorry to hear about his mom.

Syesha joins Jason and Carly, making it a bit more likely that's the losing side, but still unlikely. Naturally they're saving David A. for last.

Brooke joins Kristy and David C.

I'm beginning to wonder if they've come up with a new way to screw with us, since both sides seem like a possible mix of tops and bottoms.

Call-in questions were good, as always.

Mariah Carey was not really impressive. I thought the song choice could have been better... ; )
Oh, she kicked it up a notch at the end. That's much better.

David A. now takes the stage. He's safe, of course.

Ah. I thought so. Now they swap David C. with Syesha and play the old game of making David A. choose the winners. He won't, so Ryan guides the winners to him. So he, Jason, Carly, and David C. are safe.

That leaves Syesha, Kristy and Brooke. Though I wish it was Syesha, it's probably Brooke.

Syesha is safe. Take a deep breath, Bo.

Wow. Kristy is leaving. A bit unexpected, but inevitable, really. She sings off very nicely. She's come a long way this season, and I'll miss her a bit.

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