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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Top 12 -- Keeping it Short

I like Ryan but he was hyper and I was uncomfortable--he can't get away with words like "baby" and "dude" and "bring it" without making me shift nervously in my chair and without making my nausea flare up. He seems SO gay (in the 80s sense of that word, NOT in the 21st century bigotry sense of the word).

The new set is nice but again I was disturbed and distracted by Ryan's introduction of it.

Here we go:

Syesha - SNORE! Why is she here? I've had enough. 3 weeks ago. And something about her reminds me time and time again of "The Cosby Show" though I can't put my finger on it--is it the hair? Is it the off-the-shoulder shirt with tank top underneath? I don't know.

Chikeze - I loved it! I feel like I'm watching Turk (SCRUBS) sing in his apartment. He's great, he's fun. I dig it.

Ramielemulabay - Her name is fun to say as all one word. But I'm bored to tears and I've tired of her personal tribute songs. She's becoming forgettable. Oh, and camera angles from the top down? Not good on someone who is 4 foot 6.

Jason - I love this guy. He's so James Blunt. I like his folksy, not-perfect sincerity and purity. Love him. He is unique so I look forward to and enjoy every performance. He's sort of my Elliot for this season, but yet not even close, if that makes any sense.

Carly (of "What's that Irish Girl's Name" fame) - I like her. She's likable. She's cute. She did a smashing job!

David Cook - I LOVE THIS GUY!! I've liked him for a long time and I personally dig that he's a smart and wordy nerd kind of rocker. The best kind if you ask me. He's fantastic and unique and I love love love what he does with his songs (a la Blake). Again, I always look forward to and enjoy every performance. He is this year's Daughtry and Simon sees dollar signs for sure. I really like this guy.

Brooke - Love her. She's great, folksy, fun, sweet, and good to boot! I like her style. Again, I say, she's unique and so I look forward to and enjoy every performance. Sensing a pattern?

David Hernandez - Yuck. I miss Danny. And now, after weeks of wondering WHO DOES HE REMIND ME OF?!?!, I've figured out that he's Eddie and so now I'm further disturbed. As if the stripping wasn't enough. I'm bored by him now.

Amanda - I tired of her week 1. She always sounds the same no matter what she does. I don't understand her either so it's not a British thing. She's this year's Bucky and a sucky bucky at that. Glad to see her smile, look pretty, and embrace where she is for a change, but I'm bored now.

Michael Johns - Hubba hubba and all of that. He's good. "I'm not jum'pin' out o' my chai'r" but it was very good. Sure, not a wow moment, but I enjoy him. I don't think he's terribly unique but he's certainly not bad either!

Kristy Lee Cook - Yikes. Now, that was uncomfortable. Horrible! And no one said how cute she looked to at least lessen the pain of the harsh judgment? You just don't do that to a Beatles' song, sorry. Yikes yikes yikes. No, no. No.

David Archuleta - Eek! He messed up the lyrics! Several times! Part of me wonders if he's been reading the press and blogs that say he's gotta mess up once or twice so we don't get complacent about how great he is. I still say the kid's making it to the tops, but this was a rough week.

They can all go home and it's fine with me: Syesha, Amanda, Kristy, and David Hernandez
Unique and I like them time and time again: Jason, Brooke, and David Cook
Unique or not, I like them: David A, Michael Johns, and Carly
Let's see, who have I forgotten?: Ramiele and Chikeze

TOPS for me tonight: David Cook, Brooke, Chikeze, and Jason
Going Home: Probably Syesha (PLEASE!) but could be any of the other ones I've listed.
Safe due to weeks of greatness: Michael Johns, David A, and that Irish girl


  1. "Not that there's anything wrong with that."

    Now I want to watch old reruns of Seinfeld and Friends. Oh, and Scrubs. It would be hard to have a shocker tonight with so many contestants ready to go in my mind.

    Great comments as always, oh child of the 80s. ;)

  2. This is CRAZY Stacy, and hasn't happened in an Idol year yet: I think I agree with you on EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!

    I ***LOVE***: Jason and Brooke

    I really enjoy: Michael, Carly, David Cook, David Archuleta

    OK: Ramiel and Chikeze (*loved* him this week though!) oh, and I guess David Hernandez...

    I really don't like: Syesha, Amanda or Kristy

    Who'd a thunk it??? :D

  3. Wow! That IS cool! And I agree with you that Chikeze was so good that night. WOW!
