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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Top 5 - Neil Diamond Mentors!

"A very tight show to cram into an hour." Does that suggest two songs per contestant?

Yes! And no judging until the after the second song. Very good.

Jason - 'Forever in Blue Jeans' - Starts too weak in the lower register, but even the upper register has him sounding pretty weak. I don't think he does any kind of justice to the song, but boy, does he have fans!

David C. - 'I'm Alive' - Not a song I know, but he certainly makes it come alive. Very good.

Brooke - 'I'm A Believer' - Good song choice. She comes off as a bit overpowered by the song, but gives it a good effort and kicks it up at the end.

David A. - 'Sweet Caroline' - A pitchy start, but he finds his groove and does a fine job and adds some personal touches.

Syesha - 'Hello Again' - One of my favorite songs. At first I didn't think she really had the song, but she did very well by it, and gave me chills. I can't argue with that.

The rushed judging afterwards has the interesting side effect of projecting Paula back to the future...LOL. The shorter versions from the judges were actually a welcome change, and, as usual, Randy comes closest to my thoughts.

Jason - 'September Morn' - A perfect song for his voice and skillz. Beautifully done. I don't think it has quite the fireworks that Simon's looking for, though. Somehow he's lacking energy tonight. He almost seems like he's on drugs. That's how disconnected he seems to me.

David C. - 'All I Really Need Is You' - I don't know the song, but he truly owns it. If I didn't know better, I'd think I was listening to his finished recording of his own song. Excellent. Simon calls it "brilliant." I'm beginning to think more like Paula, who says she feels like she's looking at the next American Idol. David A. is quite good, but just doesn't have the depth, breadth and originality of this guy. David A. is solid and reliable, but just too predictable at this point. David C. is full of pleasant surprises every week. I've officially changed my loyalty.

Brooke - 'I Am, I Said' - A very big song, and writing the lyrics on her hand doesn't bode well, but I like it once the band joins in with her piano. That was more solid than most of her recent performances. Randy agrees, noting the vocal difficulty that she handled in stride. Even Simon gives it props.

David A. - 'America' - A very big song. The beginning is a bit weak, but again he finds his groove and lays it out. He proves he's big enough for the song, alright. You can't help but love him. All three judges loved it.

Syesha - 'Thank The Lord For The Nighttime' - A show tune type of song, which she handles very nicely.

Tops and Props: Still David C. and David A. at the top, and it's still very close, and could go either way at the end, but I gotta say I'm now an equally big fan of David. C. And yes, Syesha gets my props again.

Bottoms: Jason and Brooke, in that order, for me, but anything can happen with the fans.

Leaving: Jason or Brooke.

1 comment:

  1. I think I agree with your assessment this week. How's that for a definitive statement? And I had completely forgotten about lyrics on Brooke's hand. I think your observations about the Davids are good ones. That will probably be the finale and side-by-side the differences will be stark.
