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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Am I really this old?

These "year of your birth" weeks usually provide enough variety to keep the show quite interesting, so I'm glad that's what went on last night. As my wife pointed out on many occasions, however: "So this kid was born just before I went into high school?"

RANDOM THOUGHTS: I don't like the new set with it's opening in the center of the backdrop. The contestants always look cramped when they come out and they also never look quite sure when to start walking. The people on the ends nearly always run into the set as it opens. Awkward. Also, I'm seeing more and more why A.I. is not quite Emmy quality. They never stop tinkering. I'm all for good tinkering, like letting contestants play instruments. Brilliant. Having Ryan walk behind the contestants while he was introducing them, not so brilliant. What was he trying to hide? Mostly I found it distracting, like Paula's gloves. Ricky Minor sure seems happy in the crow's nest. Or maybe we're just seeing him more often in his new digs. Some weeks Randy is just so annoying and devoid of insight. Guess which week this was. Mosh pit? Can we get rid of it now. They clap off the beat, sway their hands all over the place with no attempt at coordination, and set up performers like Chikezie for silly antics and the subsequent criticism from the judges. I liked the interviews this week. They were actually enjoyable.

Ramiele Malubay: I'm so bored with her. She's trying too hard to be likable and it's not working. Mostly she seems way too immature and not quite exciting enough. We've seen you before in past seasons. I think Ramiele still has a strong enough following to buy her time, though.

Jason Castro: Jason has a great style that will help him in the end. Simon was right: the guitar work was sloppy and the audience couldn't find the beat. I'm not sure the two are connected, but the performance was a little off, although it was solid enough to justify his existence in this competition. It didn't hurt that he picked a great Sting selection.

Syesha Mercado: I will agree this is probably her best week to date, but I still find her boring. We don't need another diva--we've got enough in the world. Syesha doesn't seem to have a devoted following and we'll test that theory in the next week or two.

Chikezie: He just couldn't walk by and not reach into the crowd, could he? Foiled by the evil plot of the powers that be, Chikezie slipped yet again.

Brooke White: Mistake or no, she did great. So, no band this time? I saw Brooke biting her tongue on that one. The bottom line is that Brooke is at her best when it's her and her instrument. She's that kind of singer. This wasn't her best, but it was very solid.

Michael Johns: Great selection by the Aussie. At one point I saw him look at the mosh pit and stop himself from reaching in, as if his inner voice told him, "Remember Chikezie." This was his best week and shot him back to the top.

Carly Smithson: I think this is her style. She has a very strong rock edge and should be singing songs like this. It wasn't her best week, but still better than most of the rest.

David Archuleta: Simon articulated what we were all thinking. I think it was a strange pick and now all I can see is David with all the Disney characters romping about behind him. He did well, but still seems to pick those Star Search-y songs.

Kristy Lee Cook: Best week so far. I don't know if it will keep her around, but I'm glad she had a good week and got some honest to goodness positive critique from the judges. She's earned it.

David Cook: I wasn't sure I heard him right. Billie Jean? Really? But I loved it. This guy has enough creativity for the whole lot. He is already an incredible talent and will definitely be a successful artist.

MY TOP THREE: David Cook, Michael Johns, Brooke White
MY BOTTOM THREE: Chikezie, Ramiele Malubay, Kristy Lee Cook
PACKING IT IN EARLY: Chikezie (not my personal choice, however)

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