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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Drunk and Loving It!

I think the whole crew on A.I. must have shared the same preshow drink because they were all on one. All in all, it was a great show.

RANDOM THOUGHTS: Three songs, three judges, three numbers, three reasons to be totally confused. I wonder how many people will cast votes for the wrong contestant. So Paula's feeling good tonight. Randy has picked "this week" to see who's "in it to win it" for about 4 or 5 weeks now. So is tonight really when he's looking for that, or is it next week instead? I'm not sure. Paula has a knack for picking songs that fit the contestant but come off as boring on stage. Go back a few seasons and you'll see what I mean. Clive Davis is out this year to be replaced by "the producers." After all the corny gags this year I half expected Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick to come out from backstage! How many people are surprised Randy found a way to drop a name in a fax? That's what I thought. Oh, and it was nice of Randy Johnson to take time out of his busy pitching schedule with the Diamondbacks to pick a song for Melinda. The backup singers were off tonight in general. Either they were out of tune, or the harmonies arranged for them were off. They've hired Bo Bice as a Mic Stand Choreography Consultant, but don't blame him for Blake's mic malfunction.

(Wishing, Working Hard, Having Nothing): Jordin started out well, fell off in the middle, and brought it at the end. I think Simon consistently picks the best songs for the contestants which I guess speaks to his ability as an A&R guy. Apparently he's pretty good. Why the producers picked the worst Donna Summer song possible for Jordin is beyond me. And I'm not surprised she picked a great song to close, even if it is a bit old for her. In fact, all of her songs tonight were on the old side. Oh well, she did a great job. And, she got a star at the Arrowhead Mall. Too bad we still don't live there to check it out. (That was sarcasm again, in case you missed it.)

BLAKE LEWIS (Roxanne, This Love, Beethoven's Fifth): This was a great night for Blake as he nailed all of the songs handed to him. I thought his style came through on all three songs and that he didn't overdo anything. Kudos to him for not coming off as a direct copycat of Sting on the first one. Reference my above comments re: Paula's ability to select showcase songs. I'm glad to see Simon finally give Blake his due for the risks he takes and the contemporary feel he brings to the show. Great night for Blake.

MELINDA DOOLITTLE (Something Randy worked on, Nutbush--are you kidding me?!--County Line, I Am Woman--Hear Me Roar!): Randy always picks tough songs for the contestants, and that usually blows up in their faces, but Melinda was up to the task. Randy almost said "Mariah who," but he came to his senses and remembered all the time he worked with her, and Christina, and Journey, and . . . Last week I was looking for da noize and da funk and I think Melinda brought it this week. Great song choice at the end. The point that Simon made may save her this week because it's true: she has been so consistent all season long, that sometimes her greatness gets a bit lost among all the "improvements" others are making.

MY ORDER TONIGHT: Blake, Melinda, Jordin
CLOSE, BUT NO CIGAR: This one is entirely too close to call. My gut says based on voting demographics, Jordin and Blake beat out Melinda, but maybe Melinda will clean up and the others will split votes. And is Blake really getting Chris Richardson's votes? Who's getting Lakisha's? And how many votes does Simon get? Too many questions. Not enough answers.


  1. ROTFL at which week Randy's REALLY seeing who's "in it to win it." :P It IS tough to call. I'm very curious about tomorrow's show!!

  2. I'm cracking up as usual Mark!! ;p
